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Work-Management für Teams

Task Boards: Verfolgen Sie die Details

Veröffentlicht By Katie St. Francis

Planview AgilePlace Task Boards help you break down and manage the finer details of your work. Seeing each granular task as a part of your visual flow of work promotes visibility for the whole team.

Group and Ungroup Work On the Fly

For those, “Oops, those should’ve been grouped together…” moments, cards include a ‘Move to Taskboard’ option in the drop-down. This helps you to include cards from the primary board as a taskin another card.

Cards can also be moved from a Task Board onto the primary board with ease.

Transfer Task Boards Between Projects & Teams

Change is inevitable. Team members take vacations and work scope fluctuates. Meet change head on by transferring your Task Board to a different team or project located on a separate board.  When the work needs to move, it can.

Apply Unique Task Card Types

Easily distinguish, focus on and better understand dependencies between particular tasks in a complex process. Definable task types and task type filtering allow you to customize your Task Board and its cards to address your specific kinds of work.

Indicate Progress

Watching a progress bar move isn’t a spectator sport, but it sure is fulfilling. The indicator provides insight into Task Board content/complexity with the number of tasks and overall progress.  Lovers of proportions and ratios can also hover over the progress bar to get those valuable percentages they so desire.

Create Templates for Repeatable Processes

Do you have repeatable processes that require similar deliverables? Examples might include product launches, new hire on-boarding or building out new servers or network infrastructure. You can build a model Task Board with a default set of cards and clone it each time you execute that process.

See for Yourself

If you haven’t tried using Task Boards yet, give them a go. See how visually managing the finer details of your work with a dynamic, context rich Task Board can help.

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Geschrieben von Katie St. Francis

Katie ist ein ständiger Lerner, Lean-Praktiker und Produktenthusiast. Als Produktmanagerin bei LeanKit arbeitet sie an der Lösung von Kundenproblemen und hilft ihnen dabei, schneller Werte zu schaffen. Sie verbringt ihre Freizeit damit, Daten zu analysieren, um Möglichkeiten für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen zu finden und nach dem "Warum" zu fragen."