Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

10 predictions and trends for enterprise software development and delivery in 2018

Predicting the future of enterprise software development and delivery can often feel like hammering Jell-O to a wall. The industry is a perpetually evolving beast, awash with nuance, relativity and disruption. Just when you think you’ve got your head around it all, new technology and ideas can gatecrash the party overnight. That said, we’ve dusted...

Fight Cultural Debt by Connecting Your Value Stream

“In a world where tools are a proxy for process, the disconnected worlds created by domain specific tools result in broken workflows, reduced visibility and obstructed collaboration.” The business world is often blissfully ignorant of how technology decisions can introduce ‘cultural debt’.  And when an organization takes on cultural debt unknowingly, the interest payments accumulate...

How Software Development Metrics Can Improve Your Delivery Processes

Tasktalks is an engineering-focused podcast telling the stories of Tasktop’s engineering teams from internal practices to the day-to-day challenges they face. Imagine a world where there is only one way to develop software at scale. Imagine if everybody used the same tools, had the same team structure and processes, everything was done “by the book”....

No Tool Is An Island: How We Dogfood Tasktop to Build DevOps into our Business

As an organization becomes more complex, we find an increasing degree of specialization in functions and roles. These bring the depth of knowledge and expertise required for managing complicated business functions. Along with these specializations comes a need for the domain specific tools that are best suited to the work being performed. To enable our...

How can DevOps Integration transform your role as a Project Manager?

Before joining Tasktop, I spent several years as a Project Manager working with non-profit clients. During this time, one of the biggest obstacles I faced was overcoming the communication barriers between separate teams at our organization. So when approached to co-host a webinar with cPrime on the top challenges facing Project Managers, I jumped at...

Managing Open Source Effectively

Unless you are a developer who enjoys reinventing the wheel (and spending countless hours or weeks developing functionality that already exists), it’s likely that you use open source dependencies in your projects. While it is great being able to easily incorporate functionality that you didn’t write into your application, such as user management, it does...

Software Defined: The Business Impact of DevOps Automation using Infrastructure as Code

Last week we looked at Infrastructure as Code (IaC), an emerging set of IT automation tools and practices that enable infrastructure management through a software layer. Today we will examine the impact of IaC on the business, using a “software-defined” lens to understand how this technology is a driver of change and transformation in the...