Project Management Methodologies To Augment Your Lean Team

Congratulations on making the choice of a Lean work style. It’s not easy to change (and stick to) this type of methodology, but it truly does pay off in the long-term. It also shows a progressive attitude within your organization and a dedication toward its success as a whole. Many trending project management methodologies in...

UK Businesses Facing Major Worker Shortages

On top of the wide variety of political, social and economic issues which are now facing the UK due to the 2016 decision to leave the European Union, businesses in the UK now have population problems to worry about too. Employment consultant, Mercer, has estimated that by 2025, the pool of workers available for UK...

Beat the Heat: The Enterprise Software Category that is Changing the Industry

We’ve talked a lot about work and resource management (WRM) as significant category of enterprise software. WRM solutions uniquely combine strategic planning and delivery to give you visibility into performance that spans strategy, projects, teams, products, financials, and resources. With WRM, your organization can better analyze emerging technologies, break down silos, adapt to change, and...

Comparing and Contrasting with Waterfall Charts – Enrich Consulting

We’ve mentioned waterfall charts in several blog posts, notably posts that focus on scenario and variance analysis. Because we have a number of different ways to generate waterfall views within Enrich Analytics, creating a video that describes ‘all the waterfalls’ has been on our to-do list for some time. You can see the video for...

How to Solve Problems Mid-Project

It can happen to even the best of project managers. One moment it’s all smooth sailing, deliverables coming in on-time and everything nicely to budget, then crash, it all hits the proverbial fan. Disagreements break out, contractors go missing, deadlines get missed and stakeholders are far from pleased with the turn of events. Knowing how...

Begin to Deliver Strategy… Fast

If you’ll recall, we previously got you set up to translate your organization’s strategy into a top down vision with metrics in the blog, “Failing to Deliver Strategy… Slowly.” In addition, you started to create a plan to deliver iteratively and measure against the metrics allowing future work to be defined based on the results...

How to foster software developer productivity

Last month, we were very fortunate to have André Meyer come into Tasktop to give a presentation on fostering software developer productivity. For many years André has been working with a research team with one of our company co-founders, Gail Murphy, to address the ongoing supply and demand shortage in software delivery. As “software continues to...

Building a Culture of Innovation: A Lesson from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Can the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum really teach you a thing or two about building an innovative culture? You bet. Read on. In an article on Innovation Leader, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame CEO, Greg Harris, shared his thoughts on what innovation means to the nonprofit organization. One notable insight that...

What Makes Workers Adopt vs. Avoid Project Management Apps?

Project management mobile apps are supposed to seamlessly compliment the principal desktop version, and make life simpler, easier, less stressful, and more successful for the workers who use them on a daily basis. At least, that’s the idea. However, the reality in many enterprises is quite different. That’s because these apps are often viewed as...