People of Planview

People Make the Difference: A Day in the Life of Senior DevOps Engineer Asare Nkansah  

While DevOps involves programming and engineering skills, its true center is people. See how senior DevOps engineer Asare Nkansah uses his love of working with people and his investments in personal development to keep DevOps focused on team members and customers.    Explain your role as a senior DevOps engineer and a few of your responsibilities. ...

From Developer to Marketer: A Day in the Life of Yadhu Krishnan, Retention Marketing Manager

Yadhu Krishnan considers himself more logical than creative. That’s what gives him an  advantage as a retention marketing manager—the first role he’s had that is involved with the customer side instead of the go-to-market (GTM) side. Read about his journey to this position, how his background is building his creativity, and what he thought of...

Planview Stands with the People of Israel 

We stand in solidarity with and beside our Israeli team members and those impacted by this crisis, and we continue to encourage and support a peaceful resolution.

Leading with Kindness: Meet Stockholm Office Manager Annie Jacob

Incredibly talented and friendly workers from all over the world get their best work done at Planview, no matter where they log in from or what their job function is. From Austin, Texas, to Stockholm, Sweden, to Bangalore, India, our employees work together to get amazing results. Meet Annie Jacob, Office Manager at Planview’s Stockholm,...