People of Planview

4 Questions Worth Asking on International Women’s Day

Uncovering the role that an individual can play in a global movement starts with curiosity. What can one person do to make a difference? The questions in this blog post offer a place to begin. How you answer them today, on International Women's Day, can shape how you might answer them every day. And those everyday actions are what is going to change the world.

The Future is Human. The Decisive Key is YOU.

Transformation comes fast and frequently, spurred forward by humanity’s endless capacity to discover and leverage digital innovations. How to respond to the changes those technologies precipitate is a constant theme of discussion across boardrooms and virtual meeting spaces. But when thinking about transformation and how much of it relies on immersion into an increasingly digital...

Listening, Learning and Leading: Digital Transformation Expert Debra Aizikovitz

Planview’s platform is designed to empower its customers for success in their digital transformation efforts. However, achieving success in any digital transformation initiative necessitates the alignment of people, methodology, and governance. Clients seeking assistance in ensuring their organizations are well-prepared for success can turn to Planview’s Evolve Advisory Services. This dedicated team of consultants leverages...

People Make the Difference: A Day in the Life of Senior DevOps Engineer Asare Nkansah  

While DevOps involves programming and engineering skills, its true center is people. See how senior DevOps engineer Asare Nkansah uses his love of working with people and his investments in personal development to keep DevOps focused on team members and customers.    Explain your role as a senior DevOps engineer and a few of your responsibilities. ...