We’ve mentioned waterfall charts in several blog posts, notably posts that focus on scenario and variance analysis. Because we have a number of different ways to generate waterfall views within Enrich Analytics, creating a video that describes ‘all the waterfalls’ has been on our to-do list for some time.
You can see the video for yourself, below. It’s a good refresher, even for those who have used the Enrich Analytics Platform or Enrich Viewport for years.
In a portfolio of more than a few dozen initiatives, it can be impossible for executives to undertake a detailed review of every change in every initiative since the last portfolio review. Waterfall charts are a great way to visually summarize quantitative changes in a medium-to-large sized R&D or product portfolio.
Waterfall charts are useful for:
- Comparing two portfolio investment plans and demonstrating how they differ in cost or value by region, technology, or division.
- Highlighting changes in cost, risk, or value to a portfolio since the last portfolio review
- Comparing division or regional contributions to revenue or cost growth over time
Final waterfall fun fact: Some people call waterfall charts Mario charts because, well…

Super Mario World or waterfall chart?