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Was sind die Vorteile des Wasserfall-Projektmanagements?

Veröffentlicht By Team AdaptiveWork

Planning, executing and closing a project requires a variety of skills, but it also necessitates a standard model of practice. Project management methodologies run the gamut but one of the most successful models is known as waterfall project management. In terms of broader project management methodologies, the waterfall method stands out as it is characteristically liner and sequential, meaning it outlines a clear goal for each individual development phase of a project.

waterfall project management

What is Waterfall?

Die Wasserfallmethodik ist ein Designprozess, der in einer sequenziellen Reihenfolge aufgebaut ist. Wegen der Art und Weise, wie es formatiert ist, wird es auch als "linear-sequenzielles Lebenszyklusmodell" bezeichnet. Ähnlich wie ein Wasserfall rieselt und fließt, beinhaltet diese Art des Projektmanagements eine Reihe von Schritten, die ineinander übergehen. Ähnlich wie bei einem echten Wasserfall gibt es kein Zurück mehr, sobald eine Entwicklungsphase abgeschlossen ist - das Projekt geht sofort in die nächste Phase über.

The success of this model is based on pursuing these steps through the flow of progress. Waterfall project management should adhere to the following phases:

  • Anforderungen: was für das Projekt benötigt wird, einschließlich aller Hardware/Software.
  • Analysis: building models, schemas and business rules.
  • Design: Entwicklung der Architektur, die für die Fertigstellung des Projekts erforderlich ist.
  • Coding: die Integration und Entwicklung der für die Aufgabe benötigten Software.
  • Testing: using the interface to identify any bugs or defects.
  • Operations: the implementation, support and maintenance of the system.

These delineated steps are always meant to be followed in sequential order. There are also some variations on the waterfall methodology that can include steps like moving to the previous cycle when bugs are detected, and returning to phase one if the project is not working.

Understanding how project management methodologies work is half the battle. You should also understand the advantages to the model you choose and how to apply it accordingly.

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Why Waterfall?

Although there are a variety of project management methodologies on the market, waterfall stands out for a multitude of reasons.

Easy to Follow

Ähnlich wie eine Landkarte oder ein festgelegtes System ist die Wasserfallmethode erfolgreich, weil sie einfach zu befolgen ist. Zu wissen, wo Sie sich im Lebenszyklus des Projekts befinden, hilft den Projektmanagern, organisiert zu bleiben und den Prozess in Gang zu halten.

Minimal Management

Since the rules in a waterfall model are so clearly defined, these types of projects are somewhat easy to manage. You simply follow the steps one-by-one until completion. Waterfall works best for projects where the requirements are easily understood and the order is clearly defined.

No Overlapping

Unlike other project management methods, the phases in this type of system never overlap. Design cannot happen until analysis is complete, coding cannot happen until design is complete…and so on and so forth. This makes it easy to follow along through the phases of the project without getting lost in two separate steps.

Final Product

Since the waterfall model is so thorough, chances are your final product will be much more fully formed and complete than other project management methods, like the business agile model. This is because there is an entire step in the process solely committed to finding bugs and errors within the newly designed system. Therefore, products that run through the waterfall method are typically fully debugged when finally released.

Choosing the right type of model to manage a task is really the universal first step to planning a successful project. The waterfall methodology was developed years ago with a clear set of steps and rules to run the tightest ship possible. Understanding the advantages of this type of system and applying the standards accordingly will ensure you develop a successful product every step of the way.

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