Zach McDowell
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Zach McDowell

Director, Product Marketing

Zach is a senior product manager for Planview PPM Pro and Planview Projectplace. He has managed teams across three continents at Planview and largely focuses on driving innovation for mid-market project management and PPM. He led one of the largest releases in Projectplace’s 20-year history and continues to grow and support its global user base.

Project Plan Template Library

In the era of digital business, leading teams through projects can be challenging without proper planning. It can often feel like you are trying to guide people through different types of working, constantly changing conditions, and limited visibility and resources—because this is really how it is. If planning deficiencies exist, they will only become more...

Remain Flexible by Using Project Roadmaps

Acrobats are versatile performers. Their flexibility enables them to step in to nearly any circus act and put their skills to the test. They don’t put on the same show every season—what would be the fun in that? Each time a change occurs to the show or within the cast, a new plan must be...

Avoid the Mirage with Project Roadmap Team Planning

“Come one, come all to the greatest show on earth!” Sound familiar? This tried-and-true line has gotten people to buy-in to the fantasy of circuses for ages. Just those ten words deliver an anticipation and intrigue that always keeps them coming back for more. What’s better than excitement from an audience to boost the morale...

Stay Balanced with the Project Roadmap

A circus is a team effort. Let’s face it, it’d be pretty boring with just one person. But the performance is only possible after hours of rehearsal and making sure everyone is on the same page. Each moment must be planned to ensure safety, and every performer must share the same goal to put on...

ProjectPlace Workspace Template Library Is Here

Whether you’re an event planner, a consultant, or even a member of a sales team, you’ve probably found yourself managing projects. Managing projects can be difficult, especially if you’re unsure of where to begin. More frequently than you’d probably like to admit, you need some assistance getting a project off the ground, especially if the...

Give Team Members Visibility into Project Strategy with Collaborative Work Management

Effective project delivery is achieved faster if there are no disconnects between the employee and manager. According to LeaderChat, only 14% of employees understand their company’s strategy and direction. This is a major gap when it comes to communication. When your employees have no clear way to visualize or understand how they’re contributing to the...

One Project Management Tool to Rule Them All

Project management—everyone is doing it in some shape or form. However, it’s no longer tied to a project manager title, but instead it’s a desired skill in many job descriptions. In fact, roughly 30% of people expected to manage projects don’t have a PM title.1 Here’s another interesting stat: 33% of workers claim to be...

Collaborative Work Management at Work: Real-World Use Cases

As teams juggle multiple projects and work with more people around the globe—both within and outside their organizations—it’s becoming increasingly challenging to accomplish their objectives. Consider these paradoxes: Teams are virtual and spread out…but they need everything in one place Teams have more tools than ever…but this can make them less productive Teams have more...

Trading Disorder for Collaborative Work Management

Between the rise of the “accidental” project manager and the proliferation of projects being managed via email, and spreadsheets, most teams today are struggling to streamline work, optimize meetings, and stay focused on long-term planning. I recently interviewed Dawn Sarnecky, a web producer on the digital marketing team at Planview. Dawn helps triage, facilitate, and...

Work Collaboration Tools are Here to Stay

Let’s face it, today’s work is all about how fast you can juggle and deliver on initiatives and business objectives. Maybe you’ve got an amazing customer experience, but it is a struggle to get new products and services to market. Or you finally have all the right people in place to land that new client,...