Dr. Richard Sonnenblick
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Dr. Richard Sonnenblick

Chief Data Scientist

Sonnenblick, Planviews Chief Data Scientist, har många års erfarenhet av att arbeta med några av världens största läkemedels- och life science-företag. Genom denna djupgående studie och tillämpning har han framgångsrikt formulerat insiktsfulla prioriterings- och portföljgranskningsprocesser, poängsystem samt finansiella värderings- och prognosmetoder för att förbättra både produktprognoser och portföljanalys. Sonnenblick har en Ph.D. och MS från Carnegie Mellon University i teknik och offentlig politik och en BA i fysik från University of California, Santa Cruz.

Upcoming Portfolio Management Conferences – Enrich Consulting

Conferences provide an opportunity to network with your peers, learn about best-practices, and realize that we all face common challenges when making tough portfolio decisions. Once upon a time, portfolio and resource planning conferences were a seasonal affair, with options available throughout the fall. Now there are events year-round; even if they are all on...

Use Variance Analysis to Identify Key Portfolio Changes – Enrich Consulting

Variance analysis is a common tool in financial analysis, helping teams compare the cost forecasts and schedules to actual values. In portfolio management, variance analysis is used not only for cost and schedule comparison, but also to track changes in project and portfolio forecasts of value over time. We’ve written about these features in the...

Scenario Analysis is Easy with Enrich Analytics – Enrich Consulting

In our latest video, we showcase how easy it is to compare projects and portfolios with Enrich Viewport and the Enrich Analytics Platform. The video covers: When scenario analysis should be used How to compare projects head-to-head How to compare portfolios head-to-head Using a waterfall diagram to summarize differences between two portfolios Tricks for selecting...

New How-To Video: Portfolio Optimization – Enrich Consulting

In previous posts, I’ve discussed how to prioritize your portfolio of R&D investments in great detail. Today, I want to focus on prioritization’s flashy sibling, optimization. Unlike simple prioritization schemes, optimization methods can handle multiple constraints to address competing portfolio objectives. So where a prioritization result may unduly favor later stage, less innovative projects, an...

Pareto Charts with Enrich Analytics – Enrich Consulting

We’ve offered Pareto charts within both Viewport and the Enrich Analytics Platform for some time now, but haven’t had a chance to pull together a video overview until recently. Clients who build Pareto charts regularly in Excel love the option to build them, with one click, inside Enrich. Pareto charts are very useful for understanding the...

Getting Started: Beginning Portfolio Management (2 of 5) – Enrich Consulting

This is the second post in our series on doing more portfolio management with less project data. You’ll find the whole series here. Data needed at each level of portfolio management. The only required data are the three items in the orange Beginner box. How much further you go depends on your people, your portfolio,...