Aging Work: The Value Stream Metric You Need to Know
Everyone has aging work, but few understand the impact. Principal Flow Advisor Chris Gallivan explains three reasons why corralling aging work is critical to flow.
Din väg till smidighet i affärsverksamheten
In the bestselling book Project to Product, Planview CTO Dr. Mik Kersten introduces leaders to the missing framework needed to create a Value Stream Network — the technology equivalent of an advanced manufacturing line that comprises thousands of IT professionals.
Everyone has aging work, but few understand the impact. Principal Flow Advisor Chris Gallivan explains three reasons why corralling aging work is critical to flow.
In October 2024, Planview sponsored the first Project to Product Summit (and it won’t be the last). In these sessions, speakers from FedEx, Nationwide, Spotify, Vanguard, Verizon, and Planview described their journeys, shared the roadblocks they encountered, and laid out the strategies they developed for the project-to-product shift.
What if a simple shift in your business model could lead to a higher return for shareholders and a boost in operating margins? Dr. Mik Kersten, explored this transformative concept in the latest Mik + One podcast with Martin Harrysson and Megha Sinha from McKinsey & Company.
Do you want to bring your organization to the next level? In this podcast recap, we highlight Mik Kersten's Mik + One podcast guest, Gene Kim, a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, accomplished researcher, and CTO with multiple awards, discusses the methodologies in the book, Wiring a Winning Organization.
Upptäck vad som är viktigast för ledare och team som fokuserar på att skapa och leverera affärsvärde. Dessutom: Dela med dig av dina insikter i den helt nya undersökningen Project to Product State of the Industry.
Tänk om dina utvecklare kunde koda med tankens hastighet? Hur skulle det förändra ert sätt att leverera teknik? Mik Kersten, CTO på Planview, och Scott Densmore, VP of Engineering på GitHub, drömmer om denna realistiska framtidsvision i detta Mik + One-poddavsnitt.
Även om paradigmskiftet från projekt till produkt ger löften om kortare time-to-market och ökad smidighet, innebär det också hinder. McKinsey konstaterar att initiativ ofta förlorar cirka 42 procent av sitt beräknade värde när de går in i senare skeden. Lär dig hur du navigerar i denna omvandling och maximerar dess fördelar med denna omfattande färdplan för affärs- och teknikledare.
As the digital-first world further intensifies the urgent need for faster IT modernization across the U.S. federal government, IT and program leaders must find a better way to manage their software delivery organizations to improve strategic decision-making and outcomes. Much like the private sector, accelerating adaptive response is key to supporting key government programs. From...
Rapporten 2023 Project to Product State of the Industry Report ger oss en inblick i varför otroliga 92% av organisationerna kämpar för att operationalisera övergången från projekt till produkt. Lär dig vilka fem faktorer som identifierades från undersökningsresultaten och som ökar sannolikheten för framgång eller misslyckande.
It’s a fine line … the balance between having enough data and having the right data. For IT and business leaders who are inundated with data from disparate teams and systems, it can be a challenge to understand how—or even whether—the information in front of them truly impacts their business goals. That’s why we built...