Every budget is an IT budget. Now is the time for IT Alignment with the Business.

A recent article caught our attention where Peter Sondergaard, Senior VP of research at Gartner, stated that every budget is an IT budget and that technology is embedded in every product. So how can IT departments begin to think differently and act quickly in order to keep up with technology trends? Here are some of...

PPM in 2013: Consolidation, Change and Collaboration

First published on ProjectManagement.com on January 2nd, 2013. As  2012 starts to become a distant memory and companies begin implementing their 2013 plans, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the Project Portfolio Management (PPM) trends of 2012 and how those trends will continue, amplify or decrease into the new year.  From observations made over the...

Google Trumps Apple at Christmas

What I Got My Kids (keep it a secret) and Why It’s a Big Problem for Apple Those who know me have accused me over the years of being an “Apple fan-boy”. Although I would argue that I am really more of a technology geek and early adopter, it’s hard to argue with the fan-boy...

Reflecting on Clinical Research Industry Headlines of 2012

Addressing CRO Challenges with Services Resource Planning December is often a time to reflect on achievements, ponder on lessons learned, and set goals for the New Year. It is as if Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has saturated the subconscious and I expect the Ghost of Christmas Future to appear this evening and tell me...

Product Portfolio Management: A Look Back and a Look Ahead

How the Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study Findings Should Inform 2013 Planning It’s that wonderful time of year again — planning, planning, and more planning. Where are you and your organization in the portfolio planning process at this point? Patting ourselves on the back because we are done! In the thick of it and taking...

4 Dashboards Vital to Profitability for Tech Services Companies

In the first section of this two part series, 13 Key SRP Metrics Vital to Profitability for Tech Services Companies, I outline specific metrics necessary to measure performance across multiple business units for successful resource planning in Technology Services organizations. This blog will discuss the top dashboards required to provide visibility of those key metrics,...

Democratizing IT Work Requests with Project Scoring

First published on ProjectManagement.com on December 4th, 2012 We’ve all heard the adage, “By failing to plan, you are planning to fail,” but for IT departments trying to handle myriad work requests on a continual basis, a more apt adage would be “By failing to prioritize, you are planning to fail.” This article is designed to...

Going Hybrid, and I’m Not Talking about Cars (it’s about the Cloud)

The word “hybrid” typically conjures images of the Toyota Prius (only for now if Ford has anything to say about it), but in the world of enterprise software it is about evolving business models. Actually, and more importantly, going hybrid is about bringing more value to customers by providing them with choice — the choice...

Optimizing Your Resources: Learn from the Military

Now more than ever, organizations are asked to do more with less. Pressures mount, competition is building, and there seems to never be enough resources to tackle what needs to be done. Then, when resources are finally allocated to strategic work, the work ends up getting delayed because the people are pulled off on emergencies,...

Whose Job is Innovation?

Howdy! We continue our “Coffee Talk” video series on the Planview YouTube Channel — all about the latest news and trends taking place in innovation and Product Portfolio Management (PPM). This month’s “Talk” comes to you from the University of Texas Campus in Austin where the Product Portfolio Mavens share insights discussed during the innovation...