Architects, It’s Your Time

For decades, CIOs have been fighting for a seat at the executive table. Fighting to be heard, fighting to be a trusted advisor to the CEO, fighting to be regarded as a true C-level participant. It hasn’t been until the last few years that cybersecurity breaches , the sprint toward business digitization, the emphasis on...

Using technology to engage your workforce and improve your bottom line

A recent study from the University of Michigan shows that a happier workforce is more productive, therefore improving a company’s bottom line. The workplace experience largely determines how enthusiastic and invested we feel in what we do. But some companies underestimate the power of a happy workforce and of the factors that can help make it more...

How Outdated Ways of Working are Costing Your Business Money

In today’s digital economy, businesses are under more pressure than ever to do more with less. They are expected to increase productivity without compromising quality while keeping employees and customers happy. However, our Chaos Theory research shows that managers are struggling to work smarter – and businesses are paying a high price for it. Although...

A Revolution in R&D Innovation Tools Is Underway – Enrich Consulting

While I spoke at the EBCG Portfolio Management in Life Sciences Conference, people started talking. I don’t mean in whispers, or on their mobiles behind their hands. It started a quietly, as a susurration, and became louder, until I momentarily stopped speaking to ask myself “is anyone paying attention?” The thing is, they were paying...

Thursday Thought Leadership Roundup: Innovation Capacity, Digital Victory, and How to Measure TL

In this week’s thought leadership roundup, we take a look at what gives companies the capacity to innovate, what it means to claim digital victory, and the best way to measure your TL efforts. Essential Components of Innovation Capacity From Innovation Excellence: “‘There are no low technology industries, there are only low technology companies: companies that...

Project collaboration on Android made easy with new app

Work life has become a little bit easier for all Android users. A new free ProjectPlace app for project collaboration and work management is now available in Google Play.  The new app let users seamlessly manage all work tasks and collaborate with team members and stakeholders in a virtual workspace. It uses the Kanban approach...

3 Business Innovation Reports You Need to Read Right Now

Business innovation: no matter what industry you’re in, it’s a priority, a strategy, a goal, a primary objective — or at minimum, a phrase you can’t seem to get away from. There’s good reason for the focus: studies show that innovation leaders outperform competitors 39% of the time, and that their average revenue increases by 23% year over...

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Every year, right around this time, a buzz zips through the enterprise architecture community when InfoWorld, Forrester Research and the Penn State University Center for Enterprise Architecture open their collective call for entries for the Enterprise Architecture Awards (a program now in its sixth year). Enterprise architects and business leaders alike snap to attention and...