CEO Chris Hefley Explains New Planview AgilePlace Logo and Brand

I’m excited to announce Planview AgilePlace’s new logo and brand. This marks a significant milestone in our journey, providing an opportunity to reflect on everything that the original Planview AgilePlace brand stood for and everything that we aspire to become. Our Journey So Far Since our founding in 2009, Planview AgilePlace has experienced tremendous growth....

Business Flow: Watch the Baton, Not the Runner

Imagine you’re at the Olympic Games, watching the 4x400m relay race. While one runner carries the baton around the track, the other three runners stand around waiting. If we ran the relay race like most of us run our businesses, it would look very different. Each of the idle runners would be running three other races,...

Welcome to the New Lean

If you’ve been to business school, or are at all familiar with business history, you’ll know that Lean was a big, big thing in the 1980s and ‘90s. Western manufacturing companies were being decimated by their Japanese rivals, especially Toyota, and they were trying everything they could to regain their competitive edge. Many flavors of...

Beat the Transformation Odds

If you’re currently considering or have already taken on an organizational transformation, this research from McKinsey provides useful insights to triple your odds of success. Substantial organizational change comes with a chasm of risk; however, McKinsey’s report suggests a repeatable formula to help you cross safely. Following their recommendations can increase your success rate up to 79%, based on the...

Show Your Boss Why Working Smarter is Better for the Business

People struggle at work every day. No news there. We are expected in today’s digital, global workplace to be more connected, collaborative and productive. Despite that modern technology has the potential to empower, our Chaos Theory study shows that the struggle continues. Unproductive, outdated working habits can be found everywhere – and the result is...

Project Collaboration in Practice: CONNECT to Boost Irish ICT Innovations

The CONNECT Centre for Future Networks has been founded to drive telecom innovations in Ireland. To enable efficient cross-organizational teamwork with all participating members, including top institutions like Trinity College, Dublin City University and Dublin Institute of Technology, CONNECT has created a shared online workspace in Projectplace. Together with 37 industry partners, CONNECT will be a foundation...

Flow-Driven Product Development

Learn how product development organizations are using a Lean, flow-driven approach to achieve predictable releases and enable continuous improvement. About This Webinar In this webinar, I’ll share my experiences helping enterprise product development teams apply Kanban to become more agile. Highlights of what you’ll learn: – Why product development teams are adopting Kanban – How to get started...

What’s Your EA End Game? Tales From TWC 2015

A couple weeks ago we held our annual Troux Worldwide Conference, inviting customers and partners from across the country and even the world to meet us in our hometown of Austin, TX. We hosted customers from healthcare to banking, from public sector to consumer packaged goods. Aside from the compelling conversation, fantastic food and inspiring...

Planview IdeaPlace Ignite Innovation Summit: Top 10 Takeaways

This year, Planview IdeaPlace hosted our first ever Ignite Innovation Summit in Boston, Massachusetts. Packed with opportunities, success stories, and inspirational talks from some of today’s most noteworthy enterprise innovation leaders, the outcome was truly remarkable. Over 140 attendees from globally recognized companies like IBM, AT&T, MetLife, Cigna, PwC, Pfizer, Unitedhealth Group, Siemens, Estee Lauder and more came...

Rethink Planning: Managing the Annual Plan Against Incoming Demand and Change

A Case for Continuous Iterative Planning Here’s a simple question for you: How often do you revisit the annual plan once it is “done?” This is a question Patrick Tickle, chief product officer at Planview, asked Margo Visitacion, vice president, principal analyst at Forrester Research, Inc. and Carina Hatfield, product manager at Planview, at the...