What Are Project Resources?

Ever heard of the game, “Would You Rather?” Let’s play a quick round to help answer the question “What are Project Resources?” You’re responsible for transporting a huge boulder to the top of a steep hill (the boulder does not have to remain in one piece). So, would you rather: Be responsible for carrying the...

What Project Managers Should Know About the Sales Pipeline

As industry grew in the United States, sales became an integral element of business success. It wasn’t long before a science was developed to help define the foundation of the process. This is formally known as sales process engineering and is intended to design better ways of selling a product or service. The more refined...

Why the UK is Top 3 For International Business

The UK continues to prove all the post-Brexit doom-mongers wrong by going from strength to strength in terms of production and factory orders. The confidence in this booming economy is shared by international business people from around the world, a third of whom recently named the UK as one of the top three countries for...

What Every CIO Wants to Know About Enterprise Architecture – But Is Too Afraid to Ask

The relationship between enterprise architecture and the CIO has always been difficult. Depending on the background of the CIO, they typically either throw up their hands in horror or relegate the enterprise architecture team to focusing on IT architecture. Usually it is not because they don’t understand the value of enterprise architecture, but because they...

A Gift for the Enterprise Architect in All of Us

Think about your holiday shopping list. You know, that list of all the people you want to buy gifts for. I’ll bet it contains the name of each person, along with the names of all their perfect gifts. If you’re really savvy, you may even have stores listed, coupons, dates for sales or shipping discounts,...

Make Kick Off Meetings as Efficient as Possible

Project kick off meetings can be an exciting time with a lot of buzz about how things are going to go down and optimism about how successful the project can be. All too often though a boring kick off drones on for far too long and any kind of enthusiasm has been drained from the...

How to accommodate different processes in enterprise software delivery

“Nothing is permanent but change’ – Heraclitus In business, we all know if you’re standing still, you’re falling behind. We also know that asking people to change their ways is hard – especially in enterprise software delivery. Resistance from some of your best teams can be fierce, and the fallout can directly impact the quality...

Brave New Digital World Requires PMOs to Be More Agile

Today’s PMO leaders are in the hot seat. With the changes digital business is bringing, PMOs are increasingly being challenged by executives to become more flexible, more scalable in getting work done and more involved in ensuring that projects deliver actual value. In fact, Gartner cites “Failure to Be Agile and Deliver Value” as the...

Ignite 2018: Registration for the Premier Conference for Innovation Leaders is Open

We’re thrilled to share that Ignite 2018, Planview IdeaPlace’s annual conference for the brightest minds in innovation, will be returning to the historic Bently Reserve in downtown San Francisco on May 1st and 2nd – register now to take advantage of early-bird pricing. So, what’s in it for you? Why should you attend Ignite 2018?...

Enterprise Architecture at Work: Real-World Use Cases

What’s the number one challenge of more than 70 percent of CEOs? It’s “the rapid pace of technology change” according to the 2017 Fortune 500 CEO survey. Also, nearly 90 percent of the executives surveyed for the Accenture Technology Vision 2017 report said that their organizations “must innovate at an increasingly rapid pace just to...