Verschiebung von Projekt zu Produkt

In the bestselling book Project to Product, Planview CTO Dr. Mik Kersten introduces leaders to the missing framework needed to create a Value Stream Network — the technology equivalent of an advanced manufacturing line that comprises thousands of IT professionals.

Organizational design in the shift from project to product: Getting it right for platform teams

Three layers of products. Two very different levels of investment. “The biggest organizations in the world are pivoting to a product-centric operating model,” opens Charles Betz, Principal Analyst at Forrester, on a recent webinar. But with product structures emerging as the primary operating model, new challenges are emerging in technical product management. While newly-formed product...

Symbiosis: The Flow Framework® meets Team Topologies

In Episode 42 of the Mik + One Podcast, Dr. Mik Kertsen sat down with Manuel Pais, renowned IT consultant and co-author of Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology for Fast Flow, to discuss the relationship between Team Topologies and the Flow Framework®. They highlight three areas of symbiosis in the shift from project to...

BMW’s Approach to Software Development at Scale with Value Stream Management

René Te-Strote is a project lead at BMW Central IT. He’s been with the company for 17 years and heavily involved in its agile transformation, which was driven by titanic shifts in the automotive industry. “Today vehicles are packed with software. Hundreds of millions of lines of code are running in cars and in the...

How to Assess Maturity in the Shift from Project to Product

Taking the Pulse on a Multi-Year Initiative  Back in 2019, 55% of organizations surveyed by Gartner said they are moving from project to product delivery as a way to continuously integrate and deliver new features and capabilities to the business.  Three years (and one global pandemic later), many more organizations have likely begun the shift,...

Flow = Joy

A few years ago, I embarked on a mission. At the company I was working for, my plan was to build high performing product teams. In the middle of that journey, just as we started to make progress, life threw us a curveball – COVID. Much to our surprise, in our pursuit of remote flow...

Happy 15th, Tasktop! Happy 5th, Planview Hub!

Januar 17, 2007: Dr. Mik Kersten, Dr. Gail Murphy und Robert Elves gründen Tasktop. Hier ist die Mitteilung über die Gründung des Unternehmens ein paar Monate nach der Gründung  Um es in den richtigen Kontext zu setzen, hier einige weitere Highlights von 2007: Das Apple iPhone wurde angekündigt und auf den Markt gebracht Beyoncés "Irreplaceable" war der meistverkaufte...

Starting Your Journey from Project to Product: Be Patient with Yourself and Others

Listening to conferences, webinars and podcasts, it’s easy to find organizations that have made significant wins on the project to product journey. It’s also easy to gloss over the significant challenges that were overcome along the journey when you’ve only got 45 minutes to tell a story that took two+ years to unfold. The journey...