Value Stream Management

Value Stream Management (VSM) bei der Softwareentwicklung ist ein entscheidender Ansatz für den Erfolg in der digitalen Landschaft von heute. Der systematische Ansatz zur Messung und Verbesserung des Warenflusses hilft Unternehmen, die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung zu verkürzen, den Durchsatz zu erhöhen und die Produktqualität zu verbessern. In dieser VSM-Blog-Kategorie finden Sie lehrreiche Einblicke, Best Practices und praktische Ratschläge von Planview und Branchenexperten, wie Sie die Einschränkungen oder Probleme, denen Sie in Ihrem Softwareentwicklungszyklus gegenüberstehen, angehen können, um bessere Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen.

Operativer Wertstrom vs. Entwicklungswertstrom: Was ist der Unterschied?

In vielen Unternehmen fasst Agile in einer kleinen Gruppe von Teams Fuß, die sein Potenzial eindeutig demonstrieren. Begeistert von den Ergebnissen, beginnen die Führungskräfte, sich auf die Skalierung von Agile zu konzentrieren - stellen aber bald fest, dass dies einige grundlegende Veränderungen erfordert. Eine der wichtigsten Komponenten von Agile at Scale ist die Umstellung der Arbeitsweise...

Data-Driven Value Stream Management: The Truth Into What’s Slowing You Down

Intuition has its place in decision making—you should not ignore your instincts any more than you should ignore your conscience—but anyone who thinks that intuition is a substitute for reason is indulging in a risky delusion. – Eric Bonabeau, Don’t Trust Your Gut, Havard Business Review With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating existing digital trends such...

Value Stream Management: History Has Its Eyes On Us

I have a confession: I’m having a Hamilton relapse.   Three years ago, the Broadway musical’s soundtrack was playing non-stop in our house. We listened to it over and over on a road trip from Austin to Florida. My husband even surprised me for my 40th birthday by taking me to Chicago to see the play...

How do Product Visions Become a Reality? Planview Viz™, A Short Story.

I’ve always been curious about the stories behind some of the world’s most impactful technology. Always wondered how profound product visions came to be. Then I witnessed one happen with my very own eyes at Tasktop. A few years ago our Chief Product Officer, Nicole Bryan, called the marketing team, talking excitedly about flight trackers,...

From Integrated Pipelines to Value Stream Management

The memory of meeting Tasktop CEO, Dr. Mik Kersten, is eternally sketched into my mind. It was just after I had given my talk at the initial Gene Kim DevOps Enterprise Summit in San Francisco in 2014. During the talk, I had mentioned that Tasktop played an integral role in connecting information across our toolchain...

The Rise of Value Stream Management (VSM)

In 2006, I got a call from a Forrester analyst. I was in the midst of wrapping up my thesis and spending most of my days coding, and had no clue as to why an analyst would want to talk to me. I then found out that analyst was Carey Schwaber, the daughter of Scrum...

5 Tips to Begin Simplifying Traceability in Enterprise Software Delivery

When it comes to traceability in enterprise software delivery, there’s no beating around the bush: It’s always going to be a challenge. It is, after all, a complex adaptive system that comprises a huge evolving web of people, disciplines, teams and processes.  Complicating matters further, traceability also means different things to different people across the...

Identifizieren Sie Ihre Value Streams: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Mitwirkende: Jon Terry, Susan Gibson, Siraj Sirajuddin Wir haben vor kurzem ein Webinar mit dem Titel "How to Identify Your Value Streams" mit Jon Terry von Planview und Siraj Sirajuddin und Susan Gibson von Temenos+Agility veranstaltet. Während des Webinars sprachen wir darüber, wie wichtig es ist, Wertströme zu identifizieren und wie Sie dies auf verantwortungsvolle und virtuelle Weise tun können. Durchgehend...

Finding a Consistent Measure of Value across Different Frameworks and Ways of Working

Moving fast is a necessity for enterprises looking to stand the pace with the tech giant oligopoly and other startup technologies disrupting most industries. This need for speed has resulted in the adoption of various ways of working to accelerate the flow of work across the software delivery value stream, from Agile fram­­eworks such as...