5 Wege, wie ich gelernt habe, ein LGBTQ+ Verbündeter zu sein

In den letzten Jahren war die Verbündetenschaft für Menschen, die sich als LGBTQ+ am Arbeitsplatz identifizieren, ein heißes Thema, aber der kulturelle Fortschritt ist viel mehr als ein Trendthema - es ist eine wachsende Bewegung. Verbündete können helfen, andere Gemeinschaften aufzubauen, was die Gleichberechtigung für alle fördert. Wie Frances Wright, eine historische Sozialreformerin, weise sagte: "Gleichheit ist die Seele der Freiheit; ohne sie gibt es in der Tat keine Freiheit."   Zur Feier des Tages...

Agil2021: 20 Sitzungen zur Skalierung von Agile

Unabhängig davon, wo Sie auf Ihrer agilen Reise stehen, sollten Sie sich im Juli 19-22, 2021, etwas Zeit nehmen, um (natürlich virtuell) an Agile2021 teilzunehmen!  Diese viertägige Veranstaltung ist ein wahrhaft globales Fest für Agile: Das Programm ist im Follow-the-Sun-Format angelegt, mit 200 Sitzungen in drei Regionen rund um den Globus...

Wann Sie Meilensteine in Ihrem Projektplan verwenden sollten

For any particular project, your project plan is the map that outlines the entire journey. However, as a project is made up of many small tasks that all combine together, milestones are used to get an easier and quicker view of a project’s direction. Project milestones are the waypoints along the course of the project....

5 Must-Have Agile Project Management Tools

16th century poet George Herbert said that “a bad workman quarrels with his tools.” And while there is practical wisdom in this observation, just don’t try and mention it to people in the 21st century who have been saddled with ineffective, limited, or just plain awful agile project management tools – because instead of a...

Enterprise vs. Traditional Project Management: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve worked in the corporate world at all, you’ve heard the term “project management”. At its most basic level, you probably understand it to encompass the process of organizing the many factors that go into taking a given project from inception to completion. This could mean receiving instructions from a client, creating a plan...


Project Planning Software: 3 Critical Questions to Choose the Right Solution Legendary crooner Frank Sinatra – along with legions of inebriated wedding guests who (unfortunately) considered themselves karaoke superstars – have belted out the epic song “My Way,” which contains the signature lyrics “regrets, I’ve had a few; but then again, too few to mention.” ...

Was sind Projektmeilensteine und wie werden sie definiert?

A project milestone is a task of zero duration that shows an important achievement in a project. The milestones should represent a clear sequence of events that incrementally build up until your project is complete. Project milestones are a way of knowing how the project is advancing, especially if you’re not familiar with the tasks...

How to Improve Your Effort Estimation Skills

Effort estimation is a critical factor that separates projects that succeed vs. struggle. This informative and easy-to-read article covers the basics of effort estimation, and includes a look at the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Planning a project is not an easy task; it is a project by itself. In most cases, there are...

Was genau ist unternehmensweites Projektmanagement, und wie kann Planview AdaptiveWork dabei helfen?

There are critical differences between enterprise project management vs. project management in mid-size and smaller organizations. This informative and easy-to-read article covers the basics of enterprise project management, and explores how Planview AdaptiveWork can play a key role in helping your organization succeed and thrive. As a company grows larger and becomes more diverse in...