Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

Output-based OKR vs Outcome-based OKR for a Product Organization

Most companies are trying to adopt an OKR-based business model, but some of us might have experienced that this is not easy at all.  It is very tempting to divert your attention (and business strategy) to close a new sparkling deal that has come in. Quite often, businesses (and thus the product organization) decide to...

Finding a Consistent Measure of Value across Different Frameworks and Ways of Working

Moving fast is a necessity for enterprises looking to stand the pace with the tech giant oligopoly and other startup technologies disrupting most industries. This need for speed has resulted in the adoption of various ways of working to accelerate the flow of work across the software delivery value stream, from Agile fram­­eworks such as...

Migrating to Daimler/Mercedes-Benz AG’s New E/E System

By October 2020, Daimler/Mercedes-Benz AG will replace its supplier defect and test management tool for its internal E/E system. If you are a supplier working with the automotive giant and connected to its existing defect management and ALM systems, you will need to migrate or change projects to the new system (Intland codeBeamer ALM) as...

Obtaining a Unified View of Wait States across Multiple Workflows

“If you measure anything, measure wait time.” Dominica DeGrandis, Making Work Visible  When it comes to improving the end-to-end flow of business value across your software delivery organization, one of the first places to start is identifying your wait states. By pinpointing where waste and wait time are holding up your value delivery, you can...

Overcoming Toolchain Data Fragmentation to Measure End-to-End Flow

If you want to continuously increase the business value of your software portfolio, you need to focus on measuring the end-to-end flow of work across your software delivery value streams. As I highlighted last week, there are three key roadblocks to clear in order to identify where work is waiting and where your bottlenecks are: Data...

Optimize your QA Process by Integrating qTest and Azure DevOps

Integrating qTest Manager and Azure DevOps allows you to automatically flow requirements and defects between the two tools, creating automated traceability, enhancing cross-team collaboration between developers and QA/test teams, and most importantly, reducing time to resolution.   The Art of Time Efficiency During my sophomore year of college, I had a Biology professor who ran a...

6 ServiceNow Integration Use Cases to Improve Software Delivery Efficiency 

Our previous blog post on ServiceNow integration focused on the #1 most popular use case — help desk to Agile planning for collaborating on problem resolution. And as ServiceNow continues to expand beyond IT service management to project and portfolio management, Agile development, and enterprise DevOps, additional use cases continue to emerge. These integration patterns utilize...

The #1 ServiceNow Integration Use Case for Enterprise Software Delivery Efficiency

Organizations rely heavily on ServiceNow for their IT operations and software delivery activities. But on its own, a single tool is never enough. ServiceNow integration is a must-have for many of today’s enterprises to integrate tightly with the rest of the software delivery toolchain and to eliminate the manual overhead that may be slowing down cross-functional...

The Top 6 Jira Integration Use Cases

As a platform for helping development teams to plan, track, and release software, it’s no wonder that Jira is such a popular Agile Planning tool in the software delivery toolchain today. But if you’re part of a large and complex organization, Jira probably isn’t the only tool you’re using to plan, build and deliver software...