Happy New Year! As we kick off 2013, I thought it would be helpful to share some of the most popular innovation and product development resources of 2012. These whitepapers and webcasts feature analysts, thought leaders, and practitioners sharing their wisdom and experience to help us make better, more informed decisions and optimize our limited resources.
Here are five most widely read (and viewed) resources:
Issue in Focus: Meeting Fixed Product Launch Windows, Managing Portfolios When Time to Market is Non-Negotiable
In this research report, Jim Brown, president of Tech-Clarity, addresses the critical nature of hitting launch windows and provides insight from successful companies as well as tips for improving the odds of success.On-Demand Webcast: Building and Managing an Innovation Portfolio
Hosted by best-selling business author Jerry Manas, featuring Chip Gliedman, vice president and principal analyst, Forrester Research, Inc. and Carrie Nauyalis, NPD solution market manager, Planview, this webcast provides insights to help you build and manage your innovation portfolio.Ten Proven Military Strategies For Better Resource Planning: Avoiding Custer’s Last Stand
This latest whitepaper from Jerry Manas explores 10 timeless military strategies ‒‒ tried and tested over thousands of years ‒‒ that can be effectively applied toward modern day resource planning.On-Demand Webcast: How Technology-Enabled Visibility Lets You Prioritize Products and Optimize Resources
Find out how product portfolio management (PPM) technology enables organizations to optimize their limited people and financial resources to achieve their product delivery objectives. Featuring Planview, Isabel SA, and Frost & Sullivan.The 3rd Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study
With input from more than 1000 product development executives and managers over the last three surveys, this report provides insightful statistics and informative data on the state of product portfolio management along with thought-provoking recommendations for all product development organizations.
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- Subscribing to the Product Portfolio Management LinkedIn Group
- Following Twitter hashtags #Proddev, #Innovation, and #PL13
- Bookmarking these blogs: Innovation Management, Innovation Excellence, and Tech Clarity
Are there other materials that provided you important guidance in 2012? Please use the comment section below to share your favorite white papers, Webcasts, blogs, etc.