Work and Resource Management

Teams Are Virtual and Global: Organizations Must Help Them Succeed

So far in this blog series, I’ve described five of the eight market forces impacting organizations. Number six is where the rubber meets the road: The teams who are doing all the work. Not only are they tasked with executing to your strategy, they are also expected to gracefully pivot to ever-changing demands and deadlines....

Plans Are Even More Critical: Expedite Agility with Continuous Planning

Eight forces are increasingly bearing down on businesses as they try to adapt to customer demands and innovate. If not harnessed effectively, these forces can create a snowball effect. In particular, the last two forces that I covered in my countdown – work methods are proliferating and unstructured work is exploding – can cause even...

Top 5 Trends for 2017 You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Are you ready for 2017? Not if you plan on doing everything like you did in 2016. Generational shifts changing the workforce and the digitization of every industry has created an ever increasing pace of innovation … and disruption. What does that mean for organizations? The rules are different. The work place has changed. You...

Unstructured Work Is Exploding: Channel It Appropriately Using Work and Resource Management

Part 4 of 8 Reasons Your Business Strategy Might Just Fail While organizations are increasingly using structured, process-oriented methods, the vast majority of work being done in enterprises today is unstructured. This is the day-to-day work that organizations run on, consisting of everything from small tasks to meetings to communications. The question is how to...

Work Methods Are Proliferating: Ignore Them at Your Peril

Eight forces are exerting pressure on modern organizations. In this third installment of our series, I cover the increasing number of work methods that employees at all levels are using in today’s businesses. To succeed, leaders must incorporate these into a modern approach to PPM with Work and Resource Management. Outcomes are different Capabilities must...