Product Portfolio Management

Innovation is all about focusing and optimizing the product portfolio so you can get products to market at the right time and cost. Topics we’ll explore in the Product Innovation blog category range from ideation management to product launch and product end-of-life. Experts will provide recommendations to take your innovation strategy and delivery process to the next level. You’ll get tips for picking the right projects, prioritizing good projects, and aligning them with strategy. Take your innovation strategy to the next level with information on improving time to market to maximize resources, funding, and time. Get tips from other customers on how they improved transparency to pick the right projects and kill the bad projects early. You will also be able to access ground-breaking research and fresh insights on how capacity planning can accelerate business innovation while lowering risk.

Characteristics Needed to Excel at Capacity Planning and Resource Management

This blog kicks off a series of posts featuring the six characteristics of mature organizations in the areas of capacity planning and resource management. Based on a new research study into the state of capacity planning and resource management at large companies, six traits emerged that more mature companies share. I’ve listed them here and...

Are You REALLY Innovating?

The word “innovation” has become a trendy and often overused buzz word in many organizations. The question is, are these organizations really innovating or are they simply passing off product enhancements as such? This is a critical question because without true innovation in place to introduce new products and services, companies are missing out on...

The Product Portfolio Mavens Interview: Part II

Product Development Challenges, Solutions and the Social Media Peeps You Need to Follow As a follow up to the Wire article, The Portfolio Management Mavens Participate in PIPELINE 2013 and the PIPELINE 2013 Mini Conference on June 19th, Pamela Soin interviews Carrie Nauyalis about the challenges facing product executives and discuss the synergy between Kalypso’s...

3 Most Widely Read Product Development Resources of 2013

It’s the height of summer and a good time to share a list of product development and innovation resources for professionals. 7 Tips to Speed Time to Innovation [Article] Jim Brown, founder and president of Tech-Clarity, provides insights on the goals organizations need to work toward to improve product development performance and sheds light on...

The Product Portfolio Mavens Participate in an Online Chat at the PIPELINE Conference

The Product Portfolio Mavens Pamela Soin, senior manager at Kalypso, and Carrie Nauyalis, new product development solution evangelist at Planview, have returned, but this time at the conference for innovative product development, PIPELINE 2013 Virtual Mini Conference. On June 19, 2013, these two product development pros will be available to chat about the latest trends,...

What if Everyone Were a Statistician? – Enrich Consulting

There’s a nice blog post by statistician Jeff Leek on how more and more non-statisticians are finding themselves in roles that involve data analysis and visualization. Data are becoming more and more available, and less and less expensive to collect, and the tools for analyzing that data, from Excel to SAS to Spotfire, are becoming...

The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Maturity Matrix and Report Findings—Part 1

My favorite part of wrapping up a research project is sharing the study’s findings and helping the audience put them to practical use. As the lead researcher in the latest benchmark study, I’ve analyzed two spicy topics facing most product development organizations: capacity planning and resource management. Learn from The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Maturity...

Bringing Instant Insights (Not Just Charts) to Sales Planning Meetings – Enrich Consulting

The starting point for most conversations about a candidate drug’s sales potential is a chart of drug sales by segment and time—month/quarter/year, depending on the planning horizon. Digging deeper, you are ‘treated’ to a huge table, or perhaps a bunch of bar charts, tallying the number of afflicted people, those afflicted who have insurance, those...