Project Portfolio Management

The PMO is under constant pressure. From maintaining standards for project management practices to planning and delivering projects – the PMO needs to be in constant sync with strategy and business outcomes. This PMO blog category provides numerous recommendations from experts to encourage top down and bottom up planning, improve processes, promote stakeholder satisfaction, and ultimately eliminate silos to advance the PMO function. Get expert advice on the pros and cons of adopting a continuous planning model. Experts will also share real-world advice on choosing your next Project Portfolio Management tool and how to #BeThatPMO your business needs.

How NOT to Motivate Your Team

Getting a team working at the maximum of its potential is a manager’s primary role and a very tough one. So it’s not surprising that a lot of management literature talks about motivation tips and creating high performing teams. Sometimes though it can be the things we do without thinking, rather than what we are...

What Are Personal Performance Indicators (& How They Help)

In our professional lives it can be very easy to get caught up in the success or failure of particular projects or the organizations we work for, rather than taking note of how well we are keeping to our own personal goals. Just because a project you are working on is performing badly doesn’t necessarily...

Agile Transformation Requires Just Enough PMO Governance

This blog is part of a series based on tips for the PMO to support agile transformation. If you haven’t already, we recommend reading part one first, “Driving Agile at Scale: The Agile PMO,” which you can find here. To facilitate their agile transformation, PMOs need to provide project managers and teams with greater autonomy...

Five Ways to Unleash Creativity in Teams

The pursuit of creativity has become one of the most universal, yet confounding, challenges for organizations. The trait exists, at some level, within every member of a team, but the tricks to freeing it can be elusive. The key to unlocking it is trust. We are more likely to float new ideas when we know...

How to Set KPIs in Project Management

Key performance indicators are the metrics that project managers use to measure their team’s performance and also to relate progress to other project stakeholders. The speed and ease with which a PM can ascertain a project’s health, whether good or bad, and keep other relevant senior executives or clients updated is of vital importance, the...

Resource Management: What It Is & How to Get It Right

Resource management is a very important factor in deciding whether a project is ultimately successful or not. For project managers, knowing resource management best practices and how to best utilize the resources at their disposal can have a major impact on their career in general as nearly every project outcome will be judged on its...

Now powering the fast agile enterprise with new products from Planview AdaptiveWork

When I joined Planview AdaptiveWork about 2.5 years ago, what excited me the most back then — and what continues to inspire me today — is creating solutions that help companies achieve their goals and make an impact in the world. The essence of this aspiration is that we actively listen to our customers, so...

How to Create an Effective and Easy to Use Creative Brief Template

For teams involved in creative industries, such as those in marketing, PR, design or any number of digital fields, a creative brief is an essential reference point held in high reverence by everyone involved. A typical answer to many questions on what should or shouldn’t be done can be summed up as: “If it’s on...

How to Negotiate in the Workplace

Being able to listen, discuss and compromise is an important part of everyday life and can be especially important when it comes to the working world. Workplace negotiation skills allow people to better share ideas, overcome difficulties and create a unified solution. As such, knowing how to negotiate in the workplace is something that is...

Recognizing Low-Performing Employees & What You Can Do About Them

The time for annual performance reviews can bring up some rather uncomfortable moments for a manager that they may have been avoiding: dealing with low performing team members. It may not necessarily be a conscious decision, as recognizing low performing team members isn’t always the easiest task, but when it comes to performance reviews and...