“I Can’t Wait for Portfolio Planning!” … Said No One. Ever.

For many organizations, portfolio planning happens once a year or once a quarter and consists of hours of preparing, evaluating [read: arguing] and justifying project investments. At the end of it all, the plan is well thought out, extremely thorough and in line with business goals. Success. Or is it? As soon as the plan...

Tasktop 4.4 Released: Identity and Traceability across the DevOps Pipeline

At last week’s DevOps Enterprise Summit we got to hear how industry leaders are transforming the way that software is built.  Most speakers told stories of automating the build, release or continuous delivery pipeline, and the cultural transformation that followed. One talk stood out from all the others because it described a transformation that went...

Batch on Flow: The Physics of Lean Throughput

Batch on Flow My name is Bob Batcheler, but my friends and colleagues call me Batch. I am new at Planview AgilePlace. When I started here, I expected the ritual hazing about my last name, mostly having to do with my marital status, but Planview AgilePlace broke the mold. Early on, either @leankitjon or @indomitablehef (AgilePlace’s COO and CEO,...

4 Tips on Defining Success from Innovation Enterprise Interview with MetLife’s John Geyer

Over the weekend, we watched an awesome Q&A between Innovation Enterprise and Planview IdeaPlace customer MetLife’s John Geyer. As MetLife’s Senior VP of Innovation, Geyer spends quite a lot of his time thinking about intelligent design and collaboration, and just about everything he does is in an effort to drive innovation deeper into the DNA...

Optimizing Your Resources: Learn from the Military [Infographic]

Do you ever feel like you’re being asked to do battle with more and more projects with fewer and fewer resources? Don’t fall on your own sword! Look to the great military strategists – from Sun Tzu (500 BC) to Napoleon – for how to wage war with limited resources, and learn from these resource...

5 Steps to Customizing Your Kanban Board

Whether you’re a cook using a recipe to make a new entree, a kid using instructions to build a new lego set, or a developer using a code example to learn a new language, guides can save your sanity and help you learn faster. The same is true for creating a new Kanban board or...

3 Open Innovation Reports You Need to Read Right Now

There are trends, and then there are transformations. In the open innovation space, one regularly leads to the other. Read these three in-depth industry reports to find out the new rules of the collaborative economy, why the United States is leading the way in turning customer feedback into innovative products, and what challenges are soon...

Avoiding King Kong Projects – Enrich Consulting

“Hey Percy, what happened to the two medical writers who were supposed to start work with us this week?” “Oh, you didn’t hear, Luke? They were pulled to work on project PDE_311 at the last minute.” “Ugh, just like the bio-statistician that we were supposed to have last month!” said an exasperated Luke. “That’s the...

Don’t Massacre Your PMO with Spreadsheets

Halloween is around the corner, but ghouls, goblins, and ghosts shouldn’t worry you. You have a deadly horror lurking in the halls, hiding in the shadows of your conference rooms, and trapped in computers waiting to spring on you when you least expect it – spreadsheets. These spreadsheets are creating massacres across the industry, cannibalizing...

ProjectPlace Pro beta version is out now: try the next generation of work management software

We are all team members. Sometimes in bootstrapped groups, fighting impossible deadlines. Sometimes dealing with lots of external partners and stakeholders. We are juggling budgets, large and small. Sometimes as assigned leaders. Different roles, conditions and challenges require different sets of skills and work tools. Undoubtably, we share the same goals in an organization, department...