Top 3 C-Level Reports

Reports are a great way to evaluate data based on the information that matters to your organization. The great thing about reports, and dashboards in particular, is that they facilitate communication between project managers and executives in an easy to understand manner. The other part we love about dashboards is they are not easy to...

Planview IdeaPlace Ignite Summit 2016: Registration is Now Open!

Last year, we hosted our first annual Planview IdeaPlace Ignite Innovation Summit in one of nation’s most beautiful and historically innovative cities: Boston, MA. The event was an incredible success, with over 140 attendees from industry giants like IBM, AT&T, MetLife, Cigna, PwC, Pfizer, Unitedhealth Group, Siemens, Estee Lauder, and more. This April, the Summit...

Combining Agile Marketing and Project Collaboration

Whether launching a new product or nailing down all the deliverables for a customer conference, marketing professionals are managing multiple projects for spreadsheets and emails to continue to be efficient. As a marketer myself, I can relate to the struggle. In the past, I have coordinated events and have often compared it to herding cats....

Top 10 Innovation Links for the Week of 1.22.16

Welcome to Planview IdeaPlace’s weekly roundup of innovation links, where we feature a carefully curated selection of our favorite content on innovation, crowdsourcing, and more from around the web. Here are 10 new discoveries from this past week. 1. Waze is Driving Into City Hall Who it’s from: Fast Company The skinny: In just a few years,...

[Trends 2016] When your apps start collaborating

On 29 October 1969, scientists connected a computer at the University of California in Los Angeles to a remote computer at SRI International in Menlo Park, California. ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet was born. Two years later, the Internet protocol ‘TCP/IP’ was created as a lingua franca for computers around the world to communicate...

Less Meetings, More Doing

In a lot of companies, project managers and resource managers sit down every week in an annoying productive meeting to discuss what resources are needed in various projects, and get an agreement on resource assignments. This is usually done based on information collected in spreadsheets that project managers and resource managers make and share. Of...

4 marketing use cases for project collaboration

How to improve organizational performance for marketers: Project execution, efficiency, and agility For marketing professionals, using traditional tools like email and spreadsheets to track projects, status, and collaboration on documents is becoming more of a pain than an efficient way to conduct business. In my 18 years in the technology space, I’ve had many product...

Project Portfolio Management Predictions for 2016

Each year we review and reflect on some of the industry specific Project Portfolio Management trends of the past year and consider trends for the coming year that might have an impact on the business. Here are our six project portfolio management predictions heading into 2016: If you’re not managing your applications, they’re managing you....

How do you Crowdsource Innovation? James Gardner, Planview IdeaPlace’s CTO, Explains

Spigit’s Chief Technology Officer, James Gardner, is no stranger to innovation. He’s been there and done that in a number of ways and with a variety of tools. But if his start in financial services taught him anything, it’s that crowdsourcing innovation — at major healthcare institutions, financial services providers, and even automobile manufacturers — is...

Using Guardrails to Guide Decision Making

Guardrails are designed to keep people from unintentionally straying into dangerous territory. They are usually placed in the trickiest areas, where it is easy to take a wrong turn. Just as guardrails along the roadway keep drivers safer, decision–making guardrails can protect businesses from taking unnecessary risks. Our concept of guardrails for knowledge work was born...