Starting Your Journey from Project to Product: Be Patient with Yourself and Others

Listening to conferences, webinars and podcasts, it’s easy to find organizations that have made significant wins on the project to product journey. It’s also easy to gloss over the significant challenges that were overcome along the journey when you’ve only got 45 minutes to tell a story that took two+ years to unfold. The journey...

Selling Agile to Executives: 8 Ways to Get Buy-in

Effectively selling Agile to executives is more than just getting the go-ahead for an Agile transformation. Because Agile includes a culture shift and a mindset change, as well as funding, you need executives to truly buy in to the approach.  If you’ve gotten approval from leadership to embark on an Agile transformation, you may be gaining momentum from Agile teams embracing new ways of...

Are these Agile transformation blind spots holding you back?

It’s common to encounter blind spots when you’re navigating an Agile transformation. But it’s not always easy to identify them.   Blind spots are often shrouded in good intentions. They can show up as Agile practices that are meant to improve business agility but are applied so extremely that they end up making organizations less agile.   The trick is knowing the difference between blind spots and healthy Agile practices. In this blog post, you’ll learn about five common Agile transformation blind spots...

Six Ways Planview Employees are Giving Back

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill  The holidays are here which means spending quality time with family and friends, expressing gratitude, reflecting on the past year, and above all- giving back. At Planview, we have a lot to be thankful for and we like to show our gratitude by lending a hand and giving back to our local communities.   Earlier...

Starting Your Journey from Project to Product: 3 Characteristics you Need From the Start

In my last blog, I emphasized how a compelling reason to change is a fundamental precondition for starting a project to product journey. In this blog, I take that a step further and discuss three key characteristics that your organization should create as they take their first steps. Start small It’s critical to generate early...

Starting Your Journey from Project to Product: Find a Compelling Reason to Change

Functioning in silos instead of cross-functional value streams, funding scope/projects instead of capacity, leadership collecting metrics on utilization instead of value delivered – many organizations are realizing that their current ways of organizing aren’t enough to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world. While they know they need to change, there’s not a lot of...

Testing to Improve Flow Means Happier Teams

There are many ways to assess the perceived viability or potential effectiveness of a proposed experiment. Teams can determine the options to improve flow, but it may not be clear what aspects of their work to address. While it’s best to start and get feedback as quickly as possible, a lightweight test may shine a...