Dan Smith
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Dan Smith

Dan Smith est le Product Manager d'Advisor chez Planview. Avant d'occuper ce poste, il supervisait la sécurité de l'information et l'infrastructure applicative chez Enrich. Dan est titulaire d'un certificat d'études supérieures en gestion de l'ingénierie de l'université de Cambridge, d'un MBA de l'université de Santa Clara et d'une licence en génie mécanique de l'université de Pennsylvanie. Voyant la nourriture comme le carburant indispensable d'une entreprise, il met son temps libre à profit pour trouver des prétextes d'apporter des gâteaux et autres gourmandises au bureau.

A Case of Mistaken Priorities: Project Prioritization Gone Bad – Enrich Consulting

It’s no secret that projects in the earlier stages of the development lifecycle are evaluated and managed very differently than projects in the later stages. One major pharmaceutical company believed these differences to be so great, however, that they split their development organization in two. Over time, the structural gulf became a cultural gulf, leading...

In R&D Portoflio Management, Failure is an Option – Enrich Consulting

Innovation is inherently risky. By definition, you’re doing something that you haven’t done before so there are no guarantees it will work. The mindset in many organizations is to “minimize” risk as if it were a disease, but it isn’t that simple. The best companies face risk head-on and manage it both systematically and transparently....

To Fund or Not to Fund: Helping Executives Get to “No” – Enrich Consulting

Another striking—and often underappreciated—aspect of [Steve] Jobs’ success was his ability to say no. At a company like Apple, thousands of ideas bubble up each year for new products and services that it could launch. The hardest thing for its leader is to decide which ones merit attention. Mr Jobs had an uncanny knack of...

Tied Up in Knots: Wasted Effort in R&D Portfolio Management – Enrich Consulting

“We can’t talk about the portfolio until you explain why Varmenase revenue is 5% less than last year’s forecast!” In almost every large organization a huge percentage of the effort in the “portfolio” process is spent “tying out” the new project valuations with the old ones. Teams ardently create reports to explain why the net present...

All the NPVs are wrong. Can we talk about the portfolio now? – Enrich Consulting

A review of Itanium server sales forecasts made over seven years reveals the same bias year after year after year. When the economist Kenneth Arrow was working as an air force weather forecaster during the Second World War, he and his colleagues found that their long-range weather predictions were no better than random. They informed...