Dan Smith
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Dan Smith

Dan Smith est le Product Manager d'Advisor chez Planview. Avant d'occuper ce poste, il supervisait la sécurité de l'information et l'infrastructure applicative chez Enrich. Dan est titulaire d'un certificat d'études supérieures en gestion de l'ingénierie de l'université de Cambridge, d'un MBA de l'université de Santa Clara et d'une licence en génie mécanique de l'université de Pennsylvanie. Voyant la nourriture comme le carburant indispensable d'une entreprise, il met son temps libre à profit pour trouver des prétextes d'apporter des gâteaux et autres gourmandises au bureau.

Takeaways from IRI: Driving Innovation – Enrich Consulting

We sponsored the 2012 Industrial Research Institute (IRI) Annual Meeting this month, and the primary topic was how to drive innovation in large organizations. These organizations have become large because they’re very good at some “thing”, which for the sake of simplicity we’ll call a core competency. This core competency is typically focused on a particular type...

Using Strategic Capacity Planning to Manage R&D Portfolio Resource Bottlenecks – Enrich Consulting

Rocks in the river When selecting projects for the portfolio, practitioners of Strategic Capacity Planning often exclusively consider financial constraints. Though the terminology varies across industries–outside costs, out-of-pocket expenditures, external expenditure–the concept is the same: money spent on something other than staff. If internal resources are considered at all, it is usually at a very...