
Operationalisieren Sie strategische Pläne - von der Formulierung bis zur Ausführung im gesamten Unternehmen.

Die richtigen Dinge auf die richtige Weise tun - mit dem Experten Dr. Collin Scott

Colin Scott, der geschätzte Gastgeber unserer Reihe Fragen Sie den Experten, ist eine Führungskraft im Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen und seit mehr als 25 Jahren in der Branche tätig. Colin hat an einer Reihe von unternehmensweiten Entwicklungsprojekten mitgewirkt, bei denen es darum ging, die Reaktionsfähigkeit der IT auf die Bedürfnisse der Geschäftspartner zu verbessern - und letztlich die IT...

Navigieren bei der Make-versus-Buy-Entscheidung: eine Crowdsourced Check List

Product managers facing the make versus buy decision for their organization have a lot to consider. Biases abound. In this article, the innovation architect Doug Collins shares what was on the minds of senior product management leaders on this topic when they convened, recently. Their top 10 factors follow below. The Make versus Buy versus...

Portfolio Prioritization Best Practices – Enrich Consulting

Our latest video covers prioritization by value metrics, when to use productivity metrics, how to build a frontier chart, and when to temper simple prioritization with more sophisticated methods. You can see it here, right now. As always, we’d love to hear your comments and suggestions on topics for future videos.

Lost in Translation: Warum EA-Teams die Sprache der Wirtschaft sprechen müssen

Manchmal ist die Wahrnehmung die Realität. Denken Sie an Ihr Enterprise Architecture (EA)-Team - das EA-Team ist für sein technisches Know-how bekannt und sorgt dafür, dass die IT-Systeme reibungslos funktionieren, damit das Unternehmen neue Strategien schnell umsetzen kann. EA-Teams spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Abstimmung zwischen Technologie und Unternehmen. Doch allzu oft gibt es eine Bewusstseinslücke...

How to Get Buy-in for Your Innovation Project

Editor’s note: this is a guest post by Steve Glaveski. Getting (and retaining) buy-in from decision makers for innovation projects is often the stumbling block that many a corporate innovator and intrapreneur faces. Securing buy-in seems akin to a dark art of sorts that only the most astute political game players and people influencers are capable...

Der globale Wettlauf um Innovationen hat begonnen: Jährliches Wachstum von Planview IdeaPlace um 32% gestiegen

Today, the Planview IdeaPlace team is happy to announce record business growth with a 32% increase in new customers in 2015 as well as significant expansion across major industry segments including: financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and energy. In working with innovation practitioners from global organizations such as AT&T, Citibank, Unilever, and Pfizer, – one thing...

From Data Scapegoat to Data Shepherd – Enrich Consulting

In most R&D organizations, the portfolio management team walks a narrow line between the project teams and the executives. The portfolio staff polls the project teams for information about each new and ongoing initiative, builds portfolio views, and shares the updated state of the portfolio with executives. In an ideal world, the portfolio team members...

Building a Culture of Innovation: How to Support One Effectively

Editor’s note: this is a guest post by Steve Glaveski. “Move fast and break things.” This was the mantra of Facebook in its early days, as is the case with most startups that subscribe to the iterative product development method popularized by the Lean Startup. However, a startup’s primary job is to discover new sustainable business...

7 Views of Project-Portfolio Variance

Knowing the current cost and estimated value of every initiative in your portfolio is nice, but when executives meet for a review, what they really want to know is: What’s changed since the last review, was it good or bad, and why? The above is true whether a month, a quarter, or a year has...

Innovation ist Wandel

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Braden Kelley. Can you think of a single innovation that didn’t change something? I didn’t think so. Innovation is change, or at least, innovation requires change. In my role as an innovation keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, I recently led a German-based industrial company’s North American IT...