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Wie nutzt Ihr Unternehmen soziale Medien?

Veröffentlicht By Carrie Nauyalis

Allow me to pose the question again, but this time as a multiple choice question: How is your company using social media?

  1. As a hip way to fill business cards and e-mail signatures with nifty Twitter and Facebook icons
  2. To communicate to employees and customers
  3. To transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues (Wikipedia)
  4. As a powerful platform to drive new, innovative products into the market

Take a moment to select the answer that best describes your organization. And be honest – no one’s watching. Go ahead… I’ll wait.

If you answered “D” and you really, really mean it, allow me to lay down the gauntlet to put your company to the test. My good, wicked-smart friends at Kalypso have issued a challenge for all of you product development companies out there… a competition, in fact. Allow me to introduce you to the first annual Spike Awards to recognize the best use of social media and social computing to improve innovation, product development and product management. Spike Awards will be given to companies in four categories: Technology, Life Sciences, CPG, and Manufacturing. Nominees will be measured on the quality of their responses and how creative their social media solution was in solving the business problem. So, put your money where your mouth is and submit your entry today – nominations must be in by Friday, September 3, 2010.

Winners will be announced on October 19th at PDMA’s Annual Global Conference on Product Innovation Management. This conference always delivers meaty content and presents incredible networking opportunities. And with the presentation of the Spike Award winners, setting the example of how social media can be used to drive innovation into the pipeline, this conference should not be missed! See you there!

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Geschrieben von Carrie Nauyalis Auftragnehmer - Produktentwicklung

Carrie Nauyalis bringt ihre Leidenschaft, Erfahrung und zukunftsorientierte Denkweise in der Produktportfolio-Management-Branche in ihre derzeitige Rolle als Executive in Residence bei Planview ein. Als EIR arbeitet Carrie an der Marktforschung mit und tauscht sich mit Planview Interessent:innen und -Kund:innen über Best Practices aus. Sie ist eine aktive Rednerin, MBA-Gastdozentin, Bloggerin und Vloggerin für alles, was mit PPM zu tun hat. Ihr Herz schlägt für Innovation, ROI-Berechnung und Agilität. Carrie war 19 Jahre lang bei Planview in verschiedenen Positionen tätig, u. a. in der globalen Beratung, im Produktmanagement und als Solution Evangelist für Innovation und neue Produktentwicklung. Bevor sie zu Planview kam, hatte Carrie mehrere Positionen im Bereich Systemtechnik bei Emerson Process inne. Sie erwarb ihren Bachelor-Abschluss an der Truman State University.