Was sind Projektmeilensteine und wie werden sie definiert?

A project milestone is a task of zero duration that shows an important achievement in a project. The milestones should represent a clear sequence of events that incrementally build up until your project is complete. Project milestones are a way of knowing how the project is advancing, especially if you’re not familiar with the tasks...

How to Improve Your Effort Estimation Skills

Effort estimation is a critical factor that separates projects that succeed vs. struggle. This informative and easy-to-read article covers the basics of effort estimation, and includes a look at the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Planning a project is not an easy task; it is a project by itself. In most cases, there are...

Was genau ist unternehmensweites Projektmanagement, und wie kann Planview AdaptiveWork dabei helfen?

There are critical differences between enterprise project management vs. project management in mid-size and smaller organizations. This informative and easy-to-read article covers the basics of enterprise project management, and explores how Planview AdaptiveWork can play a key role in helping your organization succeed and thrive. As a company grows larger and becomes more diverse in...

Was ist ein Arbeitspaket im Projektmanagement?

A work package is an essential project management concept — but also one that is commonly misunderstood. This informative and easy-to-read article covers the basics of what a work package is, and how to use it to improve project planning, scheduling, performance and outcomes. You might have seen the term come up a lot, especially...

Wie wird man ein Scrum Master?

Um in der Star Wars-Franchise ein Jedi-Meister zu werden, bedarf es vieler Jahre strengen physischen und psychologischen Trainings. Glücklicherweise ist die Ausbildung zum Scrum-Master eine weniger belastende Verpflichtung - und es gibt keine Sith Lords oder Todessterne, um die Sie sich sorgen müssen, und Yoda bemängelt nicht ständig Ihre Bemühungen...

Was ist die Wasserfall-Methodik?

Viele neue Projektmanager - und auch Nicht-Projektmanager, denen die Rolle des Projektmanagers aufgedrängt wird - sind überrascht zu erfahren, dass es keine einheitliche, universelle Methodik für den Aufbau, die Durchführung und den Abschluss von Projekten gibt. In der Tat gibt es Dutzende von ihnen, jede mit ihrer eigenen Struktur, Regeln, Vor- und Nachteilen....

Project Risk Management: The Basics

What is Project Risk Management? All projects – regardless of whether they are relatively short and straightforward, or long and complex – carry a degree of risk. This is because while many factors may be known, established and predictable, there are some aspects and variables that are unknown or iterative (i.e. more is known as...

Wie die Arbeitsautomatisierung das Projektmanagement verändert

The classic definition of project management provided by the Project Management Institute is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” While this is essentially true, there is another piece of the project management puzzle that experienced project managers know all-to-well, and new project managers quickly discover:...

Have You Lost Sight of Your Agile Transformation?

In a time when business agility is legacy-defining, today serves as the perfect time for technology leaders to revise their Agile practice. For many organizations, the ability to absorb and adapt to the changes caused by the pandemic is a leading indicator of how Agile they really are. Despite heavy investment in the practice and...

Team Project Management: DO’s and DON’Ts

While there are many ways to achieve project success, there is a unifying factor that all successful projects share regardless of whether their mission is to develop new software, construct a skyscraper, launch a comprehensive marketing campaign, or do anything else important and worthwhile: they make team project management a top priority. Indeed, in this...