Enterprise Agile Planning

Enterprise Agile Planning bietet eine skalierbare, unternehmensweite Plattform für Lean Portfolio Management, Agile Program Management und Agile Delivery, die Unternehmen von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung unterstützt, unabhängig davon, wo sie sich auf ihrer Transformationsreise befinden. Planen und finanzieren Sie sowohl Lean-Agile- als auch traditionelle Portfolios in einer einzigen Plattform für strategisch ausgerichtete, ergebnisorientierte Pläne. Die Enterprise Agile Planning-Lösung versetzt Unternehmen in die Lage, den wichtigsten Wert zu liefern und gleichzeitig die Transformation zu ihren Bedingungen und nach ihrem Zeitplan durchzuführen.

Agile 2014: Agile swims into the big sea

We’ve just wrapped up the Agile 2014 conference in Orlando, Florida, sponsored by Tasktop. One of the overall themes shouting the loudest at this year’s event is Enterprise Agile. Agile has enjoyed tremendous success at the team level and attention continues to turn toward making Agile work at larger scales. Agile 2014 featured a track...

Wie Sie Verbindungen verwenden

In Planview AgilePlace helfen Ihnen Verbindungen dabei, die Ausführung von Unternehmensinitiativen zu verfolgen und zu verwalten, indem sie den richtigen Personen das richtige Maß an Transparenz verschaffen. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Pläne auf einer hohen Ebene visualisieren und bei Bedarf tiefer in die Details der Implementierung einsteigen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Verbindungen auf der Website...

Was Flow ist und warum er wichtig ist

Flow bedeutet "sich in einem stetigen, kontinuierlichen Strom bewegen". Bei der Arbeit mit Wissen ist die Fähigkeit, Ihren Arbeitsfluss zu visualisieren und zu steuern, von entscheidender Bedeutung für eine schnellere und konsistentere Lieferung. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre Kapazität zu verstehen, Probleme leicht zu erkennen und diesen Flow zu verbessern. In einem System, das für die Verwaltung des Flows greifbarer Ergebnisse konzipiert ist,...

Living the Experiences of Our Customers

Joining Tasktop as a business analyst in September 2013, I was tasked to learn about the intricacies of the software delivery process while doing my part to help the company work toward its goal of improving that very process. While at first this seemed like an overwhelming undertaking, it turns out that Tasktop has been...

When it comes to Software Delivery, The E in Email Stands for Evil

Most organizations will experience failed software projects. They won’t necessarily crash and burn, but they will fail to deliver the value the customer wants. In other words, the software projects will not deliver an appropriate level of quality for the time and resources invested. The extent of failed software projects is calculated every year in...

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Agile 2013 Retrospective

… or, “work isn’t supposed to be this much fun” I’m just about recovered from our whirlwind trip to Nashville for the Agile Alliance’s conference Agile2013. There were 1700 attendees, 200 sessions, keynotes, parties, and a little controversy. On a personal note, I was gratified to see the number of women in technology there… most...