Tasktop Blogger
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Tasktop Blogger

Software Development Productivity From The Perspective Of Developers

If Isaac Newton were alive today, we might have the Newtonian laws of software development: For every increase in our ability to construct complex software, there shall be an equal increase in the demand for even more complex software. One solution to keeping up with this increased demand might be to apply artificial intelligence techniques...

The Key To Successful Software Lifecycle Integration Deployments

I experienced my first small earthquake (a 4.7 magnitude on the Richter scale) in Vancouver, over the Christmas holiday. I didn’t even realize it was happening, since I was sleeping.  This got me thinking about planning, not only for my family’s safety, but also in general.  As a developer, planning was key to the Agile...

Break Your Hand, It’s Good For You

As a software engineer, the thought of breaking bones in my hand makes me wince. It’s a worst nightmare that I’d really rather not think about. Apart from the pain involved, my hands are the essential conduit that I use to manifest my ideas as code. As I approached a fallen tree at full speed...

Continuous Planning and Workflow

At Tasktop, our engineering teams have been using an Agile Scrum process for years, with great results for our software delivery. This process has helped us to reduce waste and provide predictability and visibility in our integration factory, which delivers 4 on-time releases every year.  However, my own team, which had only recently been formed,...

The Value of Open Source

I recently published a post about why I love working with open source software. At Tasktop, we have a strong open source history. Because of their participation in open source communities, many people already knew each other long before joining Tasktop. Last Thursday, one of my team members reached out and asked for advice with...

Latte Art and the Art of the Agile Team

These past eight months I’’ve spent working at Tasktop, I’’ve picked up some truly interesting and marketable skills. Among the expected skills for a Quality Assurance Engineer (attention to detail, ability to assess large swaths of code for functionality, critical thinking for creating tests, communication skills) one of the skills my colleagues point out is the fine...

Blueprint Guest Blog: Improving Accuracy On Large-Scale Agile Projects

Defining complete, accurate software requirements has long challenged organizations, and those challenges have grown exponentially, particularly in large organizations delivering sizeable projects in complex environments. The business environment has become increasingly urgent as new customer demands compel organizations to innovate quickly to capitalize on fleeting opportunities. Business needs IT to deliver faster than ever. At...

Java 8 Eclipse Templates

It’s been a while since Java 8 was released. It brought us great additions like lambdas, streams, optionals, and many more. Here at Tasktop we do mostly Java programming and are focused on increasing our productivity every day. Since we are working with Java 8, a bunch of Eclipse templates were created that make developing...

The Power of Scaling Agile While Maintaining Control

Delivering high-quality software stresses most IT organizations. Software operates in complex technical environments, complicating analysis and design. Teams are diverse and distributed, challenging collaboration and development of shared understanding. And outdated processes and independent development tools tend to silo business analysts, designers, developers, and testers, adding overhead to what CIOs wish could be an efficient...

New Partnership with Blueprint Software Systems

Tasktop, the industry standard for ALM integration, is excited to launch a new partnership with Blueprint Software Systems, a fellow Canadian corporation! Blueprint is a leading vendor in the requirements space, providing capabilities to not only better define and manage requirements, but also provide traceability and management reporting. This OEM agreement further extends requirements management and traceability...