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Rich Murphy
Rich Murphy is a financial and management authority specializing in cost control, running IT as a business, and operational efficiency. Previously, Rich was a managing director with Deutsche Bank, where he held the position of CFO for Global Technology and Operations and Support Divisions. In this role, he oversaw a €6B budget that encompassed 23,000 employees responsible for more than 4,000 software applications. Before this, he enjoyed a 16-year career at AT&T where he held a variety of financial and operational leadership assignments. Experience prior to this includes a four-year auditing career with Price Waterhouse, where he earned his CPA certificate. Rich earned his BS, with honors, in Accounting at Villanova University and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants.
When I was approached to write an article for Financial Executive magazine on the results of the 2013 Long-Range Planning Benchmark Study (conducted by FERF and Ventana Research), I was able to spend time with the data and think about the implications it presented to Finance and the annual budgeting process. As I began writing...