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Work-Management für Teams

Planview to Showcase ProjectPlace in the Modern Workspace at SXSW 2016

Veröffentlicht Von Nikki Glaser
Planview to Showcase ProjectPlace in the Modern Workspace at SXSW 2016

It’s that time of year when thousands of people converge in downtown Austin to take in the interactive, music and film fun of SXSW. Here’s what’s happening with Planview at SXSW 2016!

The Projectplace team here at Planview is gearing up for these festivities taking place March 13 through 16. If you’re one of the lucky ones who gets to attend the event this year, make your way over to the Austin Convention Center and visit us at Booth 411 this week.

Several members of our team will enlighten visitors on how our project collaboration solution can empower their teams to get work done. No more planning with Post-it notes. There’s a better way with the digital Kanban boards of Projectplace.

If you are at the convention center, look for our street team handing out green and white ProjectPlace beads, take a picture with them and say “Ahoy!” to our special guest, Kaptain Kanban. Kaptain Kanban is a lovable pirate who uses project collaboration tools, like digital Kanban boards, to help him manage his tasks at sea. You can post your pictures to Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags #KaptainKanban, #collaborate and #SXSWProjectplace. To keep track of Kaptain Kanban’s SXSW whereabouts, follow him on Twitter at @kaptain_kanban and on Instagram at kaptainkanban.

Stop by booth #411 and receive swag such as SXSW/ProjectPlace koozies, mint tins and robot pens and other large giveaway prizes such as a 30-day extended ProjectPlace trial and $300 in ProjectPlace bucks.

On Monday, we’ll be hosting a lunch meet and greet at the booth, complete with sandwiches and snacks and can’t miss giveaways for all of our guests. At 2 p.m. that day, Planview’s Jason Morio will present on how to reclaim the approximately nine weeks people waste yearly because of collaboration hurdles and how the right technology can help teams become highly productive and responsive.

Wenn Sie in Austin bei den SXSW-Festivitäten sind, kommen Sie vorbei und sagen Sie hallo.

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Geschrieben von Nikki Glaser

Nikki Glaser ist verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des Bekanntheitsgrades und die Steigerung der Nachfrage nach Planviews Projectplace, der Software für Projektzusammenarbeit. Nikki war in vielen verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, darunter Marketingprogramme, Veranstaltungen, integriertes Marketing und Nachfragegenerierung, die ihr geholfen haben, sich zu der modernen Marketerin zu entwickeln, die sie heute ist. Sie schloss ihr Studium an der Western Michigan University mit einem BA in Werbung ab.