Team AdaptiveWork
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Team AdaptiveWork

3 Pages Marketers Should Take from the Business Agile Playbook

From Brexit to the novel coronavirus, there’s no end to the chaos that continually throws economies for a loop. It’s worth wondering what’s actually within business leaders’ power to help their organizations stay the course. While politics and pandemics highlight a lot of what’s not in our control, they also present opportunities for transformation and...

How Agile Teams Can Master the Art of Saying NO

Legendary investor Warren Buffet has said that the core habit that separates successful people from very successful people, is that the latter say no to almost everything. Evidently, very successful agile marketing teams are borrowing from Mr. Buffet’s playbook, because compared to their counterparts, they’re supremely talented in the art of saying no. What makes...

4 Productivity Tips for Working From Home

In recent years, business leaders and employees alike have had a lot of different things to say about working from home. From the CEO of Yahoo banning remote work to tech firms and startups championing the productivity benefits of working from home (WFH), none of it seems to matter these days. That’s because the coronavirus...

New to Remote Working? Here are Your Keys to S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically increased the number of remote workers. The good news (and yes, we all need some good news) is that thanks to the internet, web, cloud, mobile devices and unified communication tools, remote working is inestimably more viable and easier today than it was in the past. Indeed, even just a...

5 Ways for Adaptable Businesses to Overcome Agile Marketing Chaos

If your agile marketing team is struggling with chaos instead of taking advantage of clarity, then before you try and revert back to a conventional framework (which probably isn’t advisable and may not even be possible), here are five strategies, tactics and policies that can turn things around — and get everything and everyone back...

A Day in the Life of an Agile Marketing Project Manager

If you’ve been a marketing project manager for years, but are looking to take your efficiency to the next level, you may want to consider an Agile marketing approach. Agile marketing is a collaborative method of marketing that involves teams working together to complete high-level projects, analyze the impact, and then make measurable tweaks to...

The 10 Unexpected Joys of Virtual Happy Hour

If you’re searching for something positive to focus on during this extremely challenging time, then I have three words for you: virtual happy hour. Here at Planview AdaptiveWork, we had them every Friday (and will definitely resume in the future). You can enjoy them with your colleagues and especially expand them to your friends, in...

What’s the Difference Between Managing a Risk and Managing an Issue?

One of the most widespread project management trends in recent years has been the increased focus on risk management within a project. Enterprise project managers in every industry have recognized the importance of identifying and avoiding project risks, and have begun to take a more formal approach to risk management in every phase of the...

5G and the Workplace: What Project Managers Should Know

Fact: the future is 5G. More and more mobile manufacturers and carriers are implementing 5G technology, which means very soon, it will become a staple of the workplace. This will be a big change for project managers and just about every professional, but it comes with a lot of benefits. If you’ve been wondering how...

Portfolio Management: How Many Projects is Too Many Projects?

It’s an easy trap to fall into. We all want to do more, make more, provide more for our clients, and show more to our bosses. But at some point, more very quickly becomes less, especially in terms of project management. There’s a good chance that at some point (or maybe every point) of your...