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Planview Blog

Tech trends shaping 2015: make them work for you part 2

We have asked four of our experts in management, security, technology and project management to present their top trends for 2015, and how to take action on them today. In our first blog post we explored the importance for true mobility and ensuring the data that sits in the cloud is safe. In this one we’ll continue...

How Visuals Make Complex Projects Simple

The complex, digital world of business makes us often feel like we’re being bombarded with information. By visualizing your workload, you’ll take a huge leap from complexity to simplicity. Whether you like it or not, thousands of messages demand our attention each day. In fact, the average person has between 50,000–70,000 thoughts per day. At...

In the Spotlight: How Project Managers Use Tech to Reach Goals

Managing a team effectively requires the right people and the right tools. An easy rule that is hard to follow. In the spotlight this time is Maria Nordborg, Projectplace’s customer relationship manager. We discuss in this post the challenges facing project managers when it comes to retaining control over planning and project deliverables, while empowering teams...

5G and beyond – the age of full connectivity

The era of weak signals is drawing to a close. Full 5G connectivity is about to change your world of work forever. Flashback to 1973 when New York Motorola Engineer Martin Cooper made the first mobile phone call. A giant leap for mankind. Fast forward to today, and the handsets you hold are a thousand...

Checklist for Successful Project Management [Infographic]

As a project manager, you’re facing battles every day. We know. Budgets are stretched, deadlines are tight and a mountain of emails is growing by the minute. Thankfully, times are changing. By shifting focus, using the right tools and staying on track you’ll leverage your project from a state of pain and stress – to success....

Serenity now – achieving simplicity in a busy world

Do you remember what tv character George Costanza’s father occasionally used to scream when things got heated in a hugely famous ’90s sitcom? Even if you literally haven’t done the same, I bet you have felt like screaming “serenity now!” more than once. Ask yourself what’s your schedule like this week, and start to do...

What is Card Size and Why Does it Matter?

Many teams find it useful to identify and track the size — or amount of work — associated with each work item. Planview AgilePlace lets you easily assign a size value to each card,  manage your WIP based on card size, and run reports using size as a variable. In Planview AgilePlace, size is an optional field...

Project Management Needs to Adapt to How People Actually Work

Teamwork and project management have changed forever. Gone are the days when the whole team was based in the same office, working nine to five, five days a week. Today’s team is often made up of a mix of remote employees, freelancers, contractors and project managers, working from different locations or even different time zones....

Save clicks and reduce errors with single sign-on

Single sign-on for ProjectPlace is a new and really convenient feature which liberates users from having to remember yet another username and password to log on to the ProjectPlace service. Basically, it is a user authentication process that permits a user to enter name and password once, which then allows access to multiple applications. “Cloud security...

8 Techniques to Visualize Policies in Planview AgilePlace

One of the core practices of the Kanban Method is to make process policies explicit. This helps team members and stakeholders understand what’s expected, thereby reducing confusion and enabling greater process consistency. Until the mechanism of a process is made explicit, it can be difficult to engage in meaningful discussion about how to improve it. Without a common...