Brandon Harville
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Brandon Harville

Brandon is a content strategist at Planview. Before coming aboard, he spent 5 years writing about Agile project management. He truly believes that core values like empathy, communication, and learning from mistakes make Agile more than just a business philosophy--they make Agile principles a life skill.

How to Use OKRs and Roadmaps for Alignment and Goal Attainment

Discover how to use OKRs and roadmaps together to execute on strategy. Although these two tools can have a beautifully synergistic relationship, many organizations use them independently. Using OKRs and roadmaps together can help your enterprise unlock new levels of alignment, visibility, and success – connecting the what and why to the how and when....

Maximize Your Enterprise Strategy Under Uncertainty

Is your organization able to maintain an effective strategy under uncertainty? In today’s economic landscape marked by financial instability and disruption, it’s never been more critical for organizations to become adaptable to survive. Strategic portfolio management (SPM) can give your organization the much-needed agility and up-to-date data to pivot when priorities and strategy shift. Using...

ICYMI: Planview Recognized as a Leader in Adaptive Project Management and Reporting

Across industries, strategic PMO and business leaders are using adaptive project management to drive strategic delivery and value while adapting to quickly changing customer needs and preferences. Many of them rely on Planview to help their organizations realize their adaptive project management potential to deliver on strategy. That’s why we’re thrilled to have been recognized...

Maximizing PMO Value During Economic Uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, PMO value is critical. PMOs don’t just make sure that run-the-business work and projects are completed, they also operationalize the strategic plan. Maximum PMO value ensures the work delivered aligns with company strategy. This helps the organization achieve its desired outcomes and initiatives. When organizations begin feeling the stress of...

How to Execute a Project Across Multiple Departments

In this post, we’re going to show you how to execute a project.   You’ve initiated your project, created an in-depth plan, and secured stakeholder buy-in. Now it’s time to execute. Simple enough, right?  Except that, as every PMO knows, project execution is the most challenging stage of the project life cycle, and it’s only gotten...