
Getting Started with Project Scoring

Scoring projects is an easy way to identify high value projects and push them to the front of the line, keeping your organization working on the highest priority initiatives at all times. But you might be surprised at how little of organizations are actually doing it in practice. In our latest Project and Portfolio Management...

Five Resolutions for the Modern Project Manager

Now that the holidays are in the rear view mirror, January is over, and the Superbowl is in the air, it’s time for project management professionals to buckle down and focus. Many of you have already missed your resolutions or are off to a bad start (guilty as charged here), but it isn’t too late...

Cloud-based vs. Cloud-hosted: What’s the Difference?

There are some common misconceptions about the distinction between cloud-based and cloud-hosted applications, particularly when it comes to PPM software. Many people confuse these two terms or use them synonymously – which is inaccurate. When thinking about the business impact of an application and the long term effects of going with one model over the other,...

Top 3 C-Level Reports

Reports are a great way to evaluate data based on the information that matters to your organization. The great thing about reports, and dashboards in particular, is that they facilitate communication between project managers and executives in an easy to understand manner. The other part we love about dashboards is they are not easy to...

Less Meetings, More Doing

In a lot of companies, project managers and resource managers sit down every week in an annoying productive meeting to discuss what resources are needed in various projects, and get an agreement on resource assignments. This is usually done based on information collected in spreadsheets that project managers and resource managers make and share. Of...

Project Portfolio Management Predictions for 2016

Each year we review and reflect on some of the industry specific Project Portfolio Management trends of the past year and consider trends for the coming year that might have an impact on the business. Here are our six project portfolio management predictions heading into 2016: If you’re not managing your applications, they’re managing you....

3 Tips to Successful PMO Leadership

Recently, I had a lunch with a newly-appointed Project Management Office (PMO) leader for a major retailer here in SF. He was just hired to reinstate the PMO, processes and tools for his organization. He shared his approach to this exciting new challenge and from past experience expressed what he thinks works vs. what doesn’t....

Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Your Project Portfolio

We have all heard the story about How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Every organization has a “Grinch” of their own, most specifically a project portfolio management (PPM) Grinch. The Grinch is the naysayer, the one who is always skeptical about portfolio management benefits, the one who cannot open their eyes beyond the initial costs and...

Gartner IIPA Magic Quadrant “Visionary” – 4th Consecutive Year

We are excited to announce that Innotas has been named a “Visionary” in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Integrated IT Portfolio Analysis Applications (IIPA) for the fourth consecutive year. This is based on the extensive evaluation conducted by the Gartner research team of Innotas’ Cloud Portfolio Management solution suite. Visionaries in this analysis are recognized for...

Strategy + Tactics = PMO Success

Planning is often an overwhelming yet exciting time as you are mapping out the road ahead. Having a good sense of what you would like to get done over the year, recalling how far you were able to come, and forecasting on paper (or in the cloud) the middle ground of what is realistic for...