Strategic Planning

Operationalize strategic plans - from formulation to execution across the organization.

Leading with Connection: Reflections on Modern Leadership

If there’s anything we have collectively learned in the past two years, it’s that it takes effort to stay connected. Meeting new people, fostering relationships, building trust, collaborating – they’re all certainly possible in a hybrid / remote environment, but they require deliberate, consistent effort. At Planview, we’re very invested in helping businesses stay connected;...

3 Ways to Engage and Accelerate IT with OKRs and Value Stream Management

TIAA, a Fortune 100 financial services organization, manages investments for more than six million clients, totalling more than 1.3 trillion dollars. According to Darrell Fernandes, the Head of Product Technology, the company’s success boils down to its operational strength — an area which Darrell is continuously improving. In Episode 43 of the Mik + One...

Become a Modern PMO That Empowers Your Organization

In this post, we’ll show you how to become a modern PMO that enables your organization to adapt to an ever-changing professional landscape. You’ll learn how to adopt a modern approach that keeps up with the speed of business. That way, you can ensure alignment, drive continuous improvement, and help your company become more responsive...

Flow = Joy

A few years ago, I embarked on a mission. At the company I was working for, my plan was to build high performing product teams. In the middle of that journey, just as we started to make progress, life threw us a curveball – COVID. Much to our surprise, in our pursuit of remote flow...

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer at Planview

To play an instrument, you must be able to read sheet music. When travelling to a different country, you need to practice and learn the common vernacular of the country you are visiting. In the same way, to be a Software Engineer you need to have an extensive knowledge of programming languages. Roni Lev, a...

It’s Planview Hub’s 5th Birthday and We’re Celebrating You!

This month marks Planview Hub’s 5th birthday! On this milestone day we’re celebrating you — our customers — and all your amazing achievements! Thanks to your integrations, you’re improving the daily work of your teams every single day!  CGI, Panasonic Automotive, TELUS Health, HERE Technologies, NIO, and Frequentis are just a few of our customers...

Happy 15th, Tasktop! Happy 5th, Planview Hub!

January 17, 2007: Dr. Mik Kersten, Dr. Gail Murphy and Robert Elves founded Tasktop. Here is the announcement about the founding of the company a couple months after the incorporation  Just to put it in context, here are some other highlights from 2007: Apple iPhone was announced and launched Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable” was the best-performing...

Uncertainty in Business: Today’s Challenges in Adapting to Change

Uncertainty in business is increasing, caused by rapid change, disruptions, unknowns, and whatnots. The problem is treating uncertainty today as an anomaly – a one-off event to overcome – instead of a constant. This is the topic I covered in a recent webinar featuring guest speaker Peggy Lawless, Founder and CEO of Lawless Research. We...

3 Actions To Make Your Diverse Organization More Inclusive

Diversity and inclusion have become prominent topics for organizations of all sizes over the past 12 months. While the Black Lives Matter movement and subsequent conversations, debates, and arguments certainly didn’t start the discussion, they have highlighted the importance of Diversity and Inclusion efforts on a global scale – leading many organizations to recognize where...