Enterprise Agile Planning

Enterprise Agile Planning är en skalbar plattform för Lean Portfolio Management, Agile Program Management och Agile Delivery på företagsnivå som stöder organisationer från strategi till leverans, oavsett var de befinner sig på sin omvandlingsresa. Planera och finansiera både Lean-Agile- och traditionella portföljer i en enda plattform för strategiskt anpassade, resultatstyrda planer. Enterprise Agile Planning-lösningen ger organisationer möjlighet att leverera det värde som är viktigast samtidigt som de förändras på deras villkor och enligt deras tidsplan.

Project to Product: What Flows Through a Software Value Stream?

Throughout this Project to Product series I’ve explored how we need to bring the same rigor to architecting our software delivery value streams as what we’re witnessing in advanced manufacturing plants. Once we agree on what flows, we can analyze those flows to identify bottlenecks and opportunities to remove them. However, every time I’ve asked...

Project to Product: Mining the Ground Truth of Enterprise Toolchains

To learn more about what works and what doesn’t in large-scale DevOps and agile deployments, we need data. The problem is, that data is notoriously difficult to get ahold of because much of it lies hidden across numerous private repositories. Efforts such as The State of DevOps reports have helped us gain some understanding by...

How One Global PMO Team Member Solved the Spreadsheet Challenge

Att arbeta med kalkylblad kan göra livet stressigt - i onödan. Detta blir ännu värre när grupperna dessutom är utspridda på olika avdelningar och geografiska platser. Ta Allen till exempel. Som medlem i ett globalt PMO-team för flygorganisationen är hans arbetsdagar ofta extremt stressiga. Han måste inte bara hjälpa till att övervaka arbetet på tre kontinenter och...

Why You Should Adopt Agile Portfolio Management

Om du hanterar arbetet med en agil metod kan det vara en utmaning att hålla resurserna fokuserade på rätt projekt som är bäst för verksamheten. När dina team utför arbete måste du se till att de levererar maximalt värde till stöd för affärsmålen. När organisationer vill börja med agil portföljhantering är det...

Project to Product: Modular Architectures Make You Agile in the Long Run

Gene Kim, one of the authors of The DevOps Handbook, once told me that organizations that require a developer to take 10 people out to lunch to get an API change done appear to have lower IT performance. We hypothesized that an overly high “lunch factor” would impede DevOps transformations, and added some questions on...

Project to Product: Lean manufacturing and the end of the manufacturing line analogy

I recently visited the BMW Group’s Leipzig plant. My goal was to brainstorm with BMW Group IT leaders on how we could seamlessly integrate production lines with the software lifecycle. I was also interested in learning more about how BMW approaches car production as I was in the midst of defining the Flow Framework™ for...

Project to Product: Value Stream Architecture

The launch of my upcoming book, Project to Product (pre-order here), will be on October 20th, and I’ll be previewing it at one of my favourite events of the year, DevOps Enterprise Summit, Las Vegas (October 22-24). In the lead up to the launch, I will post a series of blogs related to the genesis...

Gain powerful insights into your SAFe transformation with Value Stream Management

If traditional enterprises want to tap into the immense business possibilities created by the Age of Software, they need to accelerate the value delivery of their digital products and services – and fast. This isn’t ground-breaking news – most organizations are acutely aware that they need to scale their software delivery capacity and capabilities to...

How CIOs can make software delivery their strongest asset

A lot rests on the shoulders of CIOs and other IT leaders at traditional businesses. They face an almost daily battle against digital disruption. With startups and other digital-native companies gobbling up market share through software-driven products and services, one inalienable truth has become clear: software is responsible for a greater and greater share of...