Product Tip: Tracking work in your Calendar app

Pulling Planview AgilePlace work items into your Personal Calendar app Need to keep track of work that has due dates?  You can set up a feed so that your Planview AgilePlace tasks with start and/or end dates appear in a personal calendar like your mobile phone calendar app. Subscribing to an iCal feed is equivalent...

The old planning tool is nearing retirement

It’s part of the product life-cycle to develop new parts of the system and retire old ones. We have, over the last few years, developed and released a new suite of planning tools in the form of: an omnipresent timeline where you can follow the progress of the project and get an overview of all the milestones...

Connecting BlueMix to the world

Over the last 6 months IBM has been heavily promoting BlueMix, the IBM cloud delivery platform based on IBM’s open cloud architecture and Cloud Foundry. The platform is heavily aimed at developers, promoting the ability to rapidly deliver applications to the IBM cloud by leveraging auto provisioning,  development frameworks and a very cool web IDE....

Agile Gantt with Dependencies and More News From Projectplace

Dependencies in Plan For a long time, dependencies has been one of the most asked for product improvements from our users. When we started developing the current planning tools in ProjectPlace we thought really hard about what functionality would be most useful. Since dependencies has always been a high priority request from our users,  this...

Measuring the Practice of Collaborative Innovation: What’s Your Story?

Last week, a Planview IdeaPlace user sought my view on measurement. He pursues his practice in a global, multi-brand enterprise, and wanted to know how he might measure his practice of collaborative innovation. My perspective? We tell a story by how and what we measure, and we can weave that tale in many different ways. We...

Three Takeaways from the RallyOn 2014 Agile Conference

Last week at the RallyOn annual user conference I presented Unlocking Business Agility in Multi-Methodology Environments, describing the challenges faced by organizations that rely on a mix of traditional and agile execution, and how Planview’s partnership with Rally can help with those challenges.  On my plane ride to DC, I imagined the response to this...

DevOps and Kanban: Lessons Learned from “The Phoenix Project”

Find out why I, co-author of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win and The DevOps Cookbook, recommend Kanban to improve the practice of IT. I discuss how to solve common IT problems — including developer due date performance, availability, security and compliance — using DevOps patterns of work. Kanban boards appear prominently throughout the The Phoenix Project as...

Big Brother? Explaining Time Tracking To Employees

Time Tracking or time sheets have significant benefits for organizations, but getting your team on board can be challenging.  It is clear why organizations want to utilize time tracking – increased visibility, accountability, optimizing resources, and charging back departments.  However, chances are your employees do not see it that way.  They most likely see time...

Coming Soon: Connections

Please note that Drill-Through relationships have now been renamed as Connections in Planview AgilePlace.  Connections establish parent-child relationships between Planview AgilePlace Boards. These multi-level hierarchies help you track and structure your work to the right level of detail, making it easier to not only visualize high-level initiatives but also dig deeper into the implementation details. Here’s what to look for in the...

How Kanban Enables Continuous Delivery: Planview AgilePlace’s Perspective

Kanban and continuous delivery are technical practices that go hand in hand. The goal of continuous delivery is to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly deliver new features and bug fixes at low risk and with minimal overhead. The goal of Kanban is to optimize the flow of work through incremental change. Both approaches share the common objective of delivering...