The Mechanics of a Successful Project Manager: 6 Questions to Answer Before You Get Going

Every project manager knows that the role comes with responsibilities. An outmost focus on getting the team onboard, reaching goals within budget and delivering value towards stakeholders is common ground. Everyone has their own unique and highly individual way of getting things done, but the mechanics of a successful project are often shared by many...

Innovative Enablement Drives Adoption

Written by Craig Dalton, VP of Customer Experience and Jerry Manas, Director of Customer Experience for the new Customer Success Center No matter how effective, configurable, or powerful a software product may be, if users can’t learn to adopt to it quickly and painlessly, its value will be diluted. This is where innovative enablement can...

Construction Workers’ View on Delivering Projects on Time and on Budget

How project collaboration can help Juggling deadlines, budgets, and contract requirements while keeping employees, sub-contractors, and clients on the same page isn’t easy in any industry. For construction business owners, collaboration between internal parties and external vendors means project managers must use specialized tools and best practices. However, better technology designed to deliver projects on...

‘Twas the Night Before the Board Meeting

‘Twas the night before the board meeting, and all was not well I was nowhere near prepared, but, OH what the hell! I’ll fudge it, I’ll lie, and I’ll make it all up. All I’ll need is strong coffee, uh-huh, yup yup! But wait just a minute, let’s think this through, They need to approve...

Inspire Innovation with Our Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

Are you an idea champion, ready to inspire innovation in your company? Are you feeling that holiday spirit? Do you love it when the things you care about (like ideation and presents) come together as one? Then you’re also going to love Planview IdeaPlace’s 2015 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide, with a handpicked selection of gifts...

IT Automation, Absurdity, and the 5 Whys

Automation is a way to improve a process by reducing or eliminating the need for manual effort. It can improve the speed or accuracy of a repeatable process, freeing your resources to focus on more nuanced work.  Automation can also help make it easy for anyone to jump into a process with little to no...

READ THIS BOOK: Robert Brands’ 10 Rules of Innovation

You know innovation matters, and you know it should be built into your organization and business strategy at a fundamental level. But wouldn’t it be great if someone who knows what they’re doing would tell you how to make that happen in a clear, direct, and practical way? Thanks to Robert F. Brands, author of Robert’s Rules...

3 Ways to Reinvent Your Team for 2016

Employees are often heralded as a company’s best asset. But if your team members’ or employee’s motivation dwindles, their performance, productivity and creativity begins to suffer. In order to achieve best possible results, it’s important to create a work environment where employees feel motivated and get things done. That is easier said than done. 2016 is...

How Many Bugs Are Left? The Software QA Puzzle

If software QA began with a specific number of bugs, it might be easier to find all the issues. For example, many puzzle books show you a drawing and ask you to find an exact number of hidden objects. Or, they show you a pair of drawings and ask you to spot a certain number...

Achieving Productivity and Performance Through Project Collaboration

When it comes to project collaboration technology, it doesn’t get much better than being recognized for effectively applying best practices to support your organization’s goals and objectives. I am excited to announce that Ventana Research has named Henk Boerboom and AkzoNobel as Technology Innovation Leadership Award winners in the collaboration category for their use of...