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Innovation Management

READ THIS BOOK: Robert Brands’ 10 Rules of Innovation

Published By Guest Blogger

You know innovation matters, and you know it should be built into your organization and business strategy at a fundamental level. But wouldn’t it be great if someone who knows what they’re doing would tell you how to make that happen in a clear, direct, and practical way?

Thanks to Robert F. Brands, author of Robert’s Rules of Innovation: A 10-Step Program for Corporate Survival, you’re in luck.

The Rules of Innovation — in a Nutshell

If Robert Brands is anything, he’s a leader. In innovation best practices, in practical business strategy, in running a highly-profitable company, and in distilling his experience into advice you can actually use yourself.

In Rules, you’ll learn:

  • Why innovation really matters
  • What steps you can take to fold innovation into the fabric of your business
  • What global business leaders have to say about being innovative in today’s markets
  • Real world examples, anecdotes, and practices from successful leaders and companies

What Readers are Saying

Rules has already received a number of stellar reviews, citing not just the necessity of this book, but its effectiveness in action. From Yelp:

“Robert F Brands knows innovation, and he knows it’s the life-blood of any successful enterprise. He very cleverly lays out a ten point plan for incorporating the spirit of innovation throughout any progressive organization. Failure is a part of the process; reprisals don’t fit in with this culture. There are no hidden agendas; just a spirit of trust and cooperation that ensures maximum employee engagement, and maximum productivity.” – Larry Underwood

“This is one of the best guides to innovation that I have read in years, full of pragmatic, down-to-earth advice on how to develop and sustain a culture of innovation in your organization. Its a small book, easy to read and one you will want to keep handy and refer to often.” – Peter Salmon

“This book helped me change the new product development process into an operational action plan with step by step instructions we could follow to improve our level of innovation. Although Robert’s experiences shared in the book took place mainly at very large enterprises, this book applies to any size company, including entrepreneurial and small businesses.” – Kimberly Russo

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Written by Guest Blogger