American Airlines Flying Higher with Investment and Capacity Planning

Merging organizations is never easy – especially when the end-result is the world’s largest airline with 120,000 employees and 554,000 daily passengers. This was the challenge American Airlines faced when they merged with US Airways…Spreadsheets were the primary tool for resource management which proved to be painstakingly insufficient to forecast, plan, and manage the resources...

7 Principles of Business Agile in the New World of Work

In the past, saying the phrase “use an agile approach” in most enterprise environments would trigger two very different reactions: developers would perk up, and everyone else would tune out. That’s because agile was linked exclusively to software development projects. And while scrum (and its many applications and expressions) remains alive and well, agile isn’t...

Reimagining Software Integration

For too long, software lifecycle integration has been viewed as the red-headed stepchild at organizations – an unglamorous chore that is often considered a developer issue and a developer issue alone. That perception must change – it’s actually a critical organizational issue and this misconception is why Tasktop is leading the charge in rebranding integration....

Making Resource Management Everyone’s Responsibility

Whether blamed for lengthy project delivery times or less-than-stellar project results, many PMO leaders find themselves in the cross-hairs these days. No one wants to be accused of being slow or process-heavy when it comes to resource capacity planning. But PMO leaders and resource managers can’t manage resources one project at a time. Instead, the...

Tips for identifying project risks

As a project manager, you can feel certain on almost every new project that something will go wrong along the way. You may not know what exactly it will be—unavailable resources, scheduling conflicts, changes in requirements or something else—but chances are that at least one part of your project plan will break. What separates average...

Powering the work journey with in-context collaboration

It is widely understood that collaboration is essential to organizational growth, success and, in the long run, survival. However, many organizations that have attempted to enable and promote enterprise social collaboration have discovered that the quantifiable benefits are underwhelming. Yes, there are many more conversations taking place – both online and offline. But no, performance,...

Top 5 Lean Books to Add to Your Reading List

Practicing Lean depends upon fostering a student mentality — recognizing what you don’t know, and approaching the unknown with a curious, humble mind. Whether you’re new to Lean or a seasoned expert, reading about the experiences and practices of others is an excellent way to practice a key Lean concept: continuous improvement. At Planview AgilePlace, when...

Breaking down barriers to IT collaboration

Does this sound familiar? A key task in your project is dependent on the completion of an earlier task by your organization’s IT or development team. However, IT and development are using their own tool to track their requirements and progress, and neither you nor anyone on your team have access to that tool. As...

Bolstering the Reputation of Enterprise Architects as Key Contributors [Infographic]

When it comes to aligning technology and the business, how does your Enterprise Architecture (EA) team stack up? More than likely, they are respected for their technical acumen, but misunderstood when it comes to their role in the company. In fact, a recent IDG study showed that 58 percent of sales teams and 61 percent...

TasktopLIVE: The Software Delivery Game is Changing

Last Tuesday, we unveiled our next-generation product Tasktop Integration Hub at our headquarters in Vancouver. During a live-stream event – TasktopLIVE – we set our new approach to software delivery and explained how we’re redefining the Agile and DevOps landscape. CEO and founder, Dr Mik Kersten, kicked off proceedings by providing acute analysis of the software delivery...