Embracing a Continuous Improvement Practice for Effective Ideation

People who apply a practice to their work—a design thinking practice or a lean practice, for example—talk about being on a journey. By journey they mean that, wherever they are in their understanding and application of a practice, they can see the steps they will take to gain more proficiency. Practitioner communities at times identify...

Eliminating the Visibility Gap in Software Engineering Project Management

The discipline of project management is decades old, and the field has come a long way from the early days of rudimentary PERT charts and critical path methods. However, despite so many advancements and “lessons learned,” in the big picture project failure generally remains the norm rather than the exception. Software engineers have wisely realized...

ACE Your Job with Planview AdaptiveWork Bot

With the fierce competitive pressure business face nowadays, we often hear customers ask how can they move faster, do things more efficiently—in short, become more business agile. They seek best practices and tips for greater agility not only in process improvements but in also how they approach work. Over the last 12 months my team interacted...

Value Stream Mapping for Software Development

WHAT IS VALUE STREAM MAPPING? Depending on your background, you might have different ideas when you hear the term value stream mapping. In manufacturing, value stream mapping refers to analyzing the current state of the processes through which inputs become outputs. The “product” of a value stream mapping activity in manufacturing is a living map...

Plotting a Course for Work and Resource Management Success [Infographic]

Let’s face it, digital transformation is upon us. This rapid innovation—from cloud computing to AI to IoT—is a lot like a tsunami headed for the shore. To avoid being swallowed up, chart a new course with work and resource management, and equip your ship for change. Check out the infographic, Charting Your Journey to Success,...

Planview AdaptiveWork in Action: Green Energy Geothermal

Green Energy Geothermal (GEG) is a multi-national company headquartered in the UK. With offices in Iceland, Indonesia, Singapore, Kenya and Norway, staying connected is key to their success. Fortunately, cloud-based Planview AdaptiveWork makes it easy for GEG’s staff to share resources, develop strategies and track their progress on multiple, complex power plant development projects—regardless of...

How to Get Rid of Chaos with Collaborative Work Management [Infographic]

Collaborative work management is crucial in today’s work environment. Yet, many organizations and teams struggle to incorporate efficient collaboration into their daily routines. This isn’t from a lack of trying—quite the opposite. Teams are trying too hard, as they are overwhelmed with numerous different collaboration tools. Throw in the fact that teams are becoming more...

Collaboration Software Helps Project Managers Navigate Tough Waters

Ever tried rowing upstream? It’s tough—especially if you get stuck in the rapids. Being in that position alone would have people questioning your sanity. You need a team to provide the man power to make it to shore and not end up on the rocks—or even worse, capsized. But let’s consider something for a moment....

Planview AdaptiveWork Makes it Even Easier to Report Project Status and Manage Budgets

Every project manager has received that fire-drill email from the boss: “I need a complete status report, and I need it today.” More often than not, it seems that email arrives first thing in the morning. That means putting all other work aside to spend hours pulling information that’s scattered across emails, spreadsheets, Slack chats,...

Project Management Software: Chaotic Ways of Working [Video]

Game plans—they’re crucial in any sport. Take football for example. The center must snap the ball to the quarterback; the quarterback must pass the ball off to the running back, who runs the ball or passes it off to a receiver; the fullback must protect both the running back and quarterback, and so on. Each...