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Les logiciels de collaboration aident les chefs de projet à naviguer dans des eaux difficiles

Stay afloat in today’s rapidly changing business environment

Publié le Par Cassidy Milder
Les logiciels de collaboration aident les chefs de projet à naviguer dans des eaux difficiles

Ever tried rowing upstream? It’s tough—especially if you get stuck in the rapids. Being in that position alone would have people questioning your sanity. You need a team to provide the man power to make it to shore and not end up on the rocks—or even worse, capsized. But let’s consider something for a moment. Your team is backing you up in the row boat, but what if everyone was rowing at a different pace, in a different direction, or randomly switching sides of the boat? As leader, you must communicate and provide direction so the team can operate in sync. Project leaders are no different. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, product leaders must take charge and equip teams with the right tools to communicate and get work done by leveraging collaboration software—or risk being overrun by the competition.

Stay Upright with Efficient Collaboration

It’s easy to become bogged down when juggling too many obstacles at work. Different schedules, workloads, priorities, and tools proliferate today’s workforce, so it’s no wonder project managers get stressed out. They are expected to deliver on goals, but often struggle to simply keep their team afloat. This results in inefficiency and greatly reduced productivity.

More and more, project managers are faced with:

  • Globally dispersed colleagues;Guide de survie pour une gestion réussie du travail collaboratif
  • Lack of workload visibility;
  • Inefficiency that results in lost work days; and
  • Too many collaboration tools to balance

What’s the solution to this ever-increasing problem? A single collaboration tool—one that gets everyone in your organization on the same page, and allows the project manager to be a more effective leader.

ProjectPlace provides a common place for document sharing, views into plans and tasks, lists of priorities, and insight into individuals’ workloads. Rather than pass a document around through email, or operate primarily out of spreadsheets that need constant updating, teams can add, edit, and share documents, all in one place. This ensures availability of the latest versions of documents, and, most importantly, allows project managers to better understand their team’s progress toward their goals.

With effective collaboration software, project managers will no longer have to put in such long hours at the office, simply trying to organize vast amounts of documents and emails. They will have insight into the workload of each team member, and will be able to delegate tasks more appropriately, ensuring completion of different goals by their deadlines. They won’t have to fear that their team will be overturned by poor collaboration.

Learn more about navigating the rapid change of today’s business environment by downloading the eBook, Survival Guide for Successful Collaborative Work Management, then lead your team safely to calm waters with more balanced workloads. Leave a comment below on how you are working to improve collaboration in your organization.

Contributeur de contenu : Hayley Eubanks

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Rédaction du contenu Cassidy Milder

Cassidy Milder est diplômée de l'Université du Texas à Austin avec une maîtrise en publicité et relations publiques. Elle a fait la transition vers le marketing, trouvant sa passion dans l'espace technologique B2B. Elle est actuellement chargée de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les leaders d'opinion dans le domaine de la gestion du travail collaboratif afin de développer des programmes et du contenu informatifs, notamment des webcasts et des Ebooks.