Work-Management für Teams

In der projektorientierten 24/7-Wirtschaft von heute ist Zusammenarbeit eine Lebenseinstellung. Moderne Teams arbeiten in der Regel mit Menschen innerhalb und außerhalb des Unternehmens und auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um Fristen einzuhalten und Projekte rechtzeitig abzuschließen. In unserer Blog-Kategorie für die Zusammenarbeit bei der Arbeit erfahren Sie, worauf Sie bei einer Lösung für die Zusammenarbeit bei Projekten und bei der Verwaltung von Teams, Aufgaben und Terminen achten sollten. Ob in einem Team von 5 oder 25, lernen Sie, wie Sie die besten Tools verwenden, wenn Sie versuchen, Ziele zu setzen, einen Plan zu erstellen, den Fortschritt zu verfolgen, Dokumente auszutauschen und den Fortschritt zu überwachen. Wir können Ihnen bei der Suche nach anpassungsfähigen Lösungen helfen, die eng mit den sozialen Netzwerkplattformen für Unternehmen verbunden sind.

Mylyn is turning Japanese

While Mylyn will happily display other languages and character sets coming from the task repository, the Mylyn UI has never been internationalized. The Eclipse Babel project has provided a great service by enabiling the community to contribute translations. But to support Babel, a project needs to update its codebase to support internationalization. In a tireless...

Interview: How Software is Built

I very much enjoyed doing this interview for the Microsoft-created How Software is Built series. In terms of length, it may go against the less is more mantra, but for that I blame the skills of Scott Swigart and Sean Campbell, who raised some very interesting questions and insights. The interview covers building communities, bridging...

Tips on paying for free software

Comments on The Server Side have been voicing concerns about SpringSource’s new maintenance policy, which gives incentive to purchase a support contract if you’re building mission critical apps on Spring. I’ve been amazed at some of the dialog, which ranges from suggestions that SpringSource has neglected its community to recommendations that they should instead ask...

Living inside Eclipse, embedding browsers and Google Chrome

I just spotted a neat post about Living inside Eclipse. This line of reasoning is where Gail Murphy and I were at a couple of years ago when laying out plans for bringing the benefits of Mylyn and Eclipse to activities outside of programming. We had created an RCP version of Mylyn, coined the “task-focused...

Rich Editing for Tasks via Mylyn WikiText

Last April, David Green, Principal Tools Architect at Make Technologies, started a conversation with me about how neat it would be to have Mylyn’s task editor support markup for descriptions and comments. David is a long-time Mylyn user, and we brainstormed about providing this as a new feature for Bugzilla users in addition meeting the...