Vision und Trends

Wir bei Planview haben eine einfache Vision: Wir wollen Organisationen helfen, ihr Ressourcenpotenzial auszuschöpfen. In dieser Kategorie PPM Visionen und Trends geht es um Vordenker. Lesen Sie, was die Vordenker von Planview über den Markt für Arbeits- und Ressourcenmanagement im Zusammenhang mit PPM, Work Collaboration und Unternehmensarchitektur sagen. Wir informieren Sie auch über Branchennachrichten, Trends und Unternehmensverantwortung. Egal, ob Sie einen Blick auf unsere Produktpalette werfen möchten oder sich für unsere neuesten Innovationen interessieren, Visions und Trends enthalten eine Vielzahl von Informationen. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, die sich verändernde Landschaft zu verstehen und die Kräfte, die am Werk sind, sowie das Tempo des Umbruchs besser zu erfassen. Wir können Ihnen sogar dabei helfen, neu zu bewerten, wie Sie Ihre schwierigsten Ressourcenherausforderungen angehen und wie Sie bei neuen Zertifizierungen auf dem Laufenden bleiben.  

Starting Your Journey from Project to Product: Find a Compelling Reason to Change

Functioning in silos instead of cross-functional value streams, funding scope/projects instead of capacity, leadership collecting metrics on utilization instead of value delivered – many organizations are realizing that their current ways of organizing aren’t enough to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world. While they know they need to change, there’s not a lot of...

3 Reasons Your SAFe® Journey Has Lost Its Way 

With the 2021 Global SAFe® Summit only a week away (September 27 – October 1), the software delivery community will come together once again to tackle that ever-pressing question: just how do you marry technical agility with business agility to support customers more effectively?  The most popular framework for scaling software development, SAFe continues to...

Sechs Lektionen vom Women@Planview-Gast Lisa Eggerton, CMO bei BigCommerce

As Planview Inc. continues to expand with new employees, acquisitions, and products, internally we are developing and growing as individuals. Pursuing knowledge in the workforce is the foundation of the first ERGs (Employee Resource Group) started at Planview, the Women@Planview. This group’s goal is to counsel and bring in speakers to encourage everyone to be their best in life and in business.  In July, we had the honor of hosting Lisa Eggerton, the Chief Marketing Officer at BigCommerce, for an engaging conversation titled Advancing Women Leaders in Today’s Workplace:...

2 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Team Engagement and Get Better Business Results

Organizations often struggle to balance top-down direction vs. team autonomy. Too much top-down directive and teams can quickly feel micromanaged, becoming discouraged and disengaged. Leaders, meanwhile, struggle to allow complete autonomy, fearing the sheer increase in variation between tools, processes and practices will make it impossible to collaborate and manage products across the organization. There...

Project to Product: The Best of Mik + One Served up All Summer

Looking for something edifying to listen to while you’re tanning on the beach, cruising on a long road trip, or mid-air on a flight on your way to finally reunite with some friends and family that you haven’t seen in a while? Look no further as we serve up some of our favorite bits from...

Reignite Your SAFe® Journey with Flow Metrics and Program Predictability Measures

“Business agility is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with innovative, digitally-enabled business solutions” – Scaled Agile  Kate Chajka has been working on the frontline of Agile transformations for over 15 years. To say she has seen it all is an understatement....

Interactive Value Stream Management Guide: How VSM Helps Your Role in Software Delivery

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” — Stuart Smalley, Daily Affirmation Folks, let me start by paying you a compliment: You are good at what you do.  You’re smart, you’re hard-working, and you’re a good team player.   You probably don’t hear that enough. I’m sorry about that. Between putting...