Value Stream Management

Value Stream Management (VSM) bei der Softwareentwicklung ist ein entscheidender Ansatz für den Erfolg in der digitalen Landschaft von heute. Der systematische Ansatz zur Messung und Verbesserung des Warenflusses hilft Unternehmen, die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung zu verkürzen, den Durchsatz zu erhöhen und die Produktqualität zu verbessern. In dieser VSM-Blog-Kategorie finden Sie lehrreiche Einblicke, Best Practices und praktische Ratschläge von Planview und Branchenexperten, wie Sie die Einschränkungen oder Probleme, denen Sie in Ihrem Softwareentwicklungszyklus gegenüberstehen, angehen können, um bessere Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen.

TasktopLIVE: The Software Delivery Game is Changing

Last Tuesday, we unveiled our next-generation product Tasktop Integration Hub at our headquarters in Vancouver. During a live-stream event – TasktopLIVE – we set our new approach to software delivery and explained how we’re redefining the Agile and DevOps landscape. CEO and founder, Dr Mik Kersten, kicked off proceedings by providing acute analysis of the software delivery...

Why Do Software Lifecycle Integration Projects Fail?

Most software lifecycle integration (SLI) projects fail because organizations underestimate just how difficult integration is and are unaware that software development and delivery tools are not designed to integrate. The APIs in endpoint tools were built by their vendors to create a tiered architecture and not necessarily for third party integration. The tools are built...

Announcing the Tasktop DevOps Integration Hub

Some of the most interesting problems in technology only surface at scale.  For the past few years, the majority of Tasktop’s customers have been using Sync to achieve scaled Agile. Without tool chain integration, it is impossible to get hundreds or thousands of IT staff adopting enterprise Agile methodologies such as SAFe, DAD,’s Nexus...

Synchronizing Your Artifacts Is Good, But Organizing Them Is Better

Imagine this scenario. All the fields from all the artifacts in one system synchronize to your other tool, but you’re responsible for reconstituting each artifact. You have to collect all the comments, statuses and attachments for each Story, Task and Requirement and put them back together. Sounds horrific, right? That’s because the relationship between the...