Value Stream Management

Value Stream Management (VSM) bei der Softwareentwicklung ist ein entscheidender Ansatz für den Erfolg in der digitalen Landschaft von heute. Der systematische Ansatz zur Messung und Verbesserung des Warenflusses hilft Unternehmen, die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung zu verkürzen, den Durchsatz zu erhöhen und die Produktqualität zu verbessern. In dieser VSM-Blog-Kategorie finden Sie lehrreiche Einblicke, Best Practices und praktische Ratschläge von Planview und Branchenexperten, wie Sie die Einschränkungen oder Probleme, denen Sie in Ihrem Softwareentwicklungszyklus gegenüberstehen, angehen können, um bessere Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen.

Every second counts – why you need Software Value Stream Integration today

“Each time you receive an email that describes a defect, or send one asking about a requirement, it costs a little bit of time and money, and introduces the opportunity for errors and omissions.” Connecting your best-of-breed tools for planning, building and delivering enterprise software is probably on your radar. Considering that nearly 50 percent of the...

How Software Development Metrics Can Improve Your Delivery Processes

Tasktalks is an engineering-focused podcast telling the stories of Tasktop’s engineering teams from internal practices to the day-to-day challenges they face. Imagine a world where there is only one way to develop software at scale. Imagine if everybody used the same tools, had the same team structure and processes, everything was done “by the book”....

The criticality of customer support in enterprise software delivery

In enterprise software delivery, customer support is the difference between investing in a product, and actually benefiting from a product – Laura Horner, Director of Sales, Americas East, Tasktop At Tasktop Connect last month, I had the opportunity to speak with a wide and diverse range of prospective customers. While “integration”, “DevOps” and “software value stream” were...

Wertstromanalyse für die Softwareentwicklung

WAS IST WERTSTROMANALYSE? Je nach Ihrem Hintergrund haben Sie vielleicht unterschiedliche Vorstellungen, wenn Sie den Begriff Wertstromanalyse hören. In der Fertigung bezieht sich das Wertstrom-Mapping auf die Analyse des aktuellen Zustands der Prozesse, durch die Inputs zu Outputs werden. Das "Produkt" eines Wertstrom-Mappings in der Fertigung ist eine lebendige Karte...

Software Defined: The Business Impact of DevOps Automation using Infrastructure as Code

Last week we looked at Infrastructure as Code (IaC), an emerging set of IT automation tools and practices that enable infrastructure management through a software layer. Today we will examine the impact of IaC on the business, using a “software-defined” lens to understand how this technology is a driver of change and transformation in the...

Software-Defined Technologies: Transforming the Value Stream

Software-defined is a concept that refers to the ability to control some or all of the functions of a system using software. The concept is sometimes incorrectly characterized as a buzzword or marketing jargon, when in fact it has a clear meaning that needs to be understood by organizations looking to keep pace with change....

Value Stream Automation = Superior Software Delivery

Automation isn’t a new trend in IT, but its increasing influence continues to dramatically transform business-critical processes including software delivery. In a time where speed and productivity can make the difference between the failure and success of a project – and provide that all-important competitive edge – automation is crucial in vanquishing repetitive tasks that...

How Value Stream Visibility Enhances Software Delivery

A software development and delivery lifecycle typically comprises many people, teams, tools and disciplines. Often the data within these multiple components is siloed and visibility across the value stream is poor (or even non-existent). Ultimately this means the quality and speed of the software delivery suffers, IT projects fail and Agile and DevOps transformations struggle...

Value Stream Integration

Every business is now a digital business – if you’re not then you’re vulnerable to disruption. Traditional business models, infrastructures and operations are in a flux as software continues to usurp and transform the status quo. Look at Airbnb and hotels, Uber and taxis, Netflix and films, Amazon and retail…you get the picture. The message...