
Die Disruption ist allgegenwärtig, aber die innovativen Unternehmen von heute nutzen die Macht der Masse, um sich von der Masse abzuheben. Der Innovationsmanagement-Blog befasst sich mit Themen wie Mitarbeiterengagement, Crowdsourcing und wie man diese Konzepte von der Idee bis zur Marktreife bringt. Erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Konzepten, die Erstellung erfolgreicher Herausforderungen und bewährte Methoden zur Einbindung Ihres Publikums, damit Ihr Unternehmen bahnbrechende Ideen von den Mitarbeitern, Partnern und Kunden einholen kann, die ihr Geschäft am besten kennen. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie alle Ideen in Ihrer Pipeline priorisieren und nachverfolgen können, von der ursprünglichen Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung - in neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen, verbesserte Prozesse und eine verbesserte Kundenerfahrung. Außerdem finden Sie Geschichten aus der Praxis, Branchenforschung und mehr.

Planview IdeaPlace Announces New Customer Advisory Board

At Planview IdeaPlace, we obsess over helping our customers innovate using the power of crowdsourcing. Whether it’s making sustainable living commonplace, like Unilever, or tirelessly looking to improve patient care, like UnitedHealth Group, their success is our top priority. Today, I’m excited to announce Planview IdeaPlace’s new Customer Advisory Board in which some of today’s...

Exponential Growth in 2016 for Planview IdeaPlace

Exciting things are happening at Planview IdeaPlace! We’ve just announced that we set yet another growth record with the first half of 2016 up by 60% and Q2 2016 was up by 120%, marking the sixth consecutive quarter of record new customer growth and revenue growth. This year has seen a lot of innovation here...

Praktische Wege zur Verbesserung des Mitarbeiterengagements

Editor’s note: Last month, Maggie Riad, VP of Innovation Strategy at Planview IdeaPlace, held a webinar: ‘10 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement in your Innovation Program’. This article is a continuation of this webinar, which you can watch on-demand, where Maggie answers several questions that came up but didn’t have a chance to answer. Q:...

Siemens nutzt Startups, um die Fertigung mit neuer Technologie zu verändern

Augmented and virtual reality technologies are here. While still arguably in their infancy, it won’t be long until the technologies reach a level of maturity where companies can’t ignore the value they can add to business processes and engagement. One industry that has truly begun to value this new wave of technology is manufacturing. In...

How KBC Bank Used Crowdsourced Innovation to Create Massive Employee Engagement

Fact: great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. Look inside your organization. How many employees do you have? 1,000? 10.000? Somewhere in your organization is an employee, maybe more than one, with an idea that can transform your business. Unfortunately, not enough companies enable or encourage their employees, in all departments, to...

Visa ruft Startups für innovative Lösungen auf

On April 29th, in order to solve their biggest business challenges, Visa turned to the startup community for help with the announcing of its second-annual Everywhere Initiative. The Everywhere Initiative is a challenge where Visa presents three business problems that call for solutions from the startup community. Winning startups receive $50,000 to pilot their ideas...

Engagement ist der ROI am vorderen Ende der Innovation

Practicing collaborative innovation takes time, money, and attention. Organizational leaders ask practitioners to “show me the ROI.” How does the practice benefit the organization? In this article innovation architect Doug Collins explores how engagement serves as the return on the front end of the practice—and why engagement matters. Go with the flow People who practice...

6 Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse des 2016 Chief Innovation Officer Gipfel

Last week was Innovation Enterprise’s Chief Innovation Officer Summit (CINO) held in San Francisco. Hundreds of innovation practitioners from different industries and with varied levels of experience came together for two-days of learning and sharing. The likes of Google, Qualcomm, Boeing, and Wells Fargo were among the diverse set of brands in attendance – and...

Das betriebliche Vorschlagswesen dreht sich 135

Your Creative Power A friend of mine runs the innovation and creativity practice at a large, global firm. He turned me onto the book, Your Creative Power: How to Use Imagination to Brighten Life and to Get Ahead, by Alex Osborn. Osborn was one of the original “Mad Men” of advertising. Your Creative Power, published...

6 Innovation Takeaways from Planview IdeaPlace’s 2016 Ignite Summit

Last week the 2016 Ignite Summit took over San Francisco. And it was amazing. From the inspiring sessions led by industry leaders to the thought-provoking discussions during breaks, you couldn’t help but feel the energy flowing throughout the conference venue. The best part about Ignite? All the useful information and actionable advice that came out...