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Regel Nr. 1 in der neuen Welt der Arbeit: Werden Sie flach, oder gehen Sie nach Hause

Veröffentlicht Von Team AdaptiveWork

Um mit der zunehmenden Geschwindigkeit des Geschäftslebens Schritt halten zu können, verlassen Unternehmen das hierarchische "Command and Control"-Modell und wenden sich einem flacheren "Sense and Respond"-Ansatz zu, damit sie sich schnell an den ständigen Wandel anpassen können und in der Lage sind, im Handumdrehen zu reagieren. Zumindest versuchen sie es.

The Enemy Within

Überraschenderweise stellen einige Unternehmen fest, dass ihr Fortschritt und ihre Entwicklung hin zu einer flacheren - und schnelleren - Arbeitsweise durch ein unerwartetes Hindernis blockiert wird: ihre eigene Projektmanagement-Software.

This is because conventional software is fundamentally designed to resist and repel a democratic (i.e. flat) approach to internal and external workforce collaboration; especially when it comes to built-in dashboards and reports. In this way, while leaders and managers push for more openness and sharing, their software can be said to push back. It’s a strange, science fiction-like tug-of-war for corporate dominance (“Enterprise Wars: Project Management Software Strikes Back”?).


The Way Forward: Collaborative Work Management

Fortunately, the Jedi-free way forward is simple and straightforward – precisely because it has nothing to do with arduously trying to re-invent conventional project management software, and everything to do with outright replacing it with a qualitatively superior successor: a collaborative work management solution.

Im Gegensatz zur konventionellen Projektmanagement-Software , die in erster Linie auf die Aufrechterhaltung eines Kommando- und Kontrollkonzepts der alten Welt ausgerichtet ist, unterstützt eine Lösung für kollaboratives Arbeitsmanagement im Grunde eine flachere Arbeitswelt:

  • Ermöglicht es Programmmanagern, schnell leistungsstarke Teams zusammenzustellen - und ebenso schnell Ressourcen neu zuzuweisen, wenn dies aufgrund veränderter Bedürfnisse und Prioritäten erforderlich ist.

  • Instantly delivering a 360-degree view of the health of all projects and programs across the enterprise, whether the portfolio contains dozens, hundreds, or thousands of active initiatives.

  • Empowering leaders with real-time dashboards and reports so they can rapidly understand patterns, identify trends, access multidimensional business insights, and implement organizational improvements.

  • Integrating and syncing with other systems and solutions in the environment, so that huge volumes of information and data are effectively translated into actionable intelligence.

  • Allowing for customized business rules to streamline and automate tasks, activities and workflows – including launching new, ready-to-run projects.

Das Fazit

The move to a flatter way of working is a shift in the right direction; and frankly, it’s long overdue. Enterprises that leverage an innovative collaborative work management system position their organization and people to work at the accelerated speed of business – while they deftly adapt to constant change, and effectively respond at a moment’s notice.

On the other hand, enterprises that remain constrained and restricted by their conventional project portfolio management software will continue slowing down – until eventually they’ll have to exit the race entirely. Because rule #1 in the new world of work is, quite simply: get flat, or go home.

To learn more about Planview AdaptiveWork’s award-winning collaborative work management solution, sign-up for a free, on-demand product tour – click here.

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